XML Reference for Sell Feed LMS Feed TypesVersion 1355


Describes or includes information associated with the SKU.

Type that uses SKUDetailsType:

Call that uses SKUDetailsType:


BidCount ( int ) [0..1]
Number of bids placed so far for the item. Returned only for auction-style listings if auctionItemDetails.includeBidCount has a value of true in the activeInventoryReportFilter of a Bulk Data Exchange Service startDownloadJob request.

See activeInventoryReportFilter
See the Field Index to learn which calls use BidCount.

ItemID ( ItemIDType (string) ) [0..1]
The ID that uniquely identifies the item listing. The ID is generated by eBay after an item is listed. You cannot choose or revise this value.
See the Field Index to learn which calls use ItemID.

Price ( AmountType (double) ) [0..1]
The price that the seller assigns to the item. If this value changes when the item is revised, the new value becomes the price. For a multi-variation listing, price is only returned at the variation level.

You can revise this value using ReviseFixedPriceItem or ReviseInventoryStatus in the Trading API.
See the Field Index to learn which calls use Price.

Quantity ( int ) [0..1]
The total number of items available for sale in the listing. For a multi-variation listing, the item quantity for each variation is returned at the variation level.
You can revise this value using ReviseFixedPriceItem or ReviseInventoryStatus in the Trading API.
See the Field Index to learn which calls use Quantity.

ReserveMet ( boolean ) [0..1]
Indicates whether the Reserve Price has been met for the listing. Returned only for auction-style listings if auctionItemDetails.includeReservePrice has a value of true in the activeInventoryReportFilter of a Bulk Data Exchange Service startDownloadJob request.

See activeInventoryReportFilter
See the Field Index to learn which calls use ReserveMet.

SKU ( SKUType (string) ) [0..1]
Stock Keeping Unit that serves as a unique identifier for an item. Many merchants assign a SKU number to an item of a specific type, size, and color. This way, they can keep track of how many products of each type, size, and color are selling, and they can re-stock their shelves according to customer demand.

You can include a SKU when you list any item, and then use the SKU instead of (or in addition to) using the ItemID to track your inventory on eBay.

For fixed-price items, if you set Item.InventoryTrackingmethod to SKU, you can use the SKU instead of ItemID as a unique ID when you revise the listing.

Only returned when the listing included a SKU.
See the Field Index to learn which calls use SKU.

Variations are multiple similar (but not identical) items in one fixed-price listing. For example, a clothing listing can contain items of the same brand that vary by color and size. Each variation specifies a combination of one of these colors and sizes. Each variation can have a different quantity and price.
See the Field Index to learn which calls use Variations.