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This container defines a seller's custom policy identified by policy ID for the selected eBay marketplace. A successful call returns the requested policy information.

Types that use CustomPolicy

Not used by any types.

Call that uses CustomPolicy


The unique custom policy identifier for a policy.

Note: This value is automatically assigned by the system when the policy is created.
Details of the seller's specific policy and terms associated with the policy. Buyers access this information from the View Item page for items to which the policy has been applied.

Max length: 15,000
Customer-facing label shown on View Item pages for items to which the policy applies. This seller-defined string is displayed as a system-generated hyperlink pointing to detailed policy information.

Max length: 65
The seller-defined name for the custom policy. Names must be unique for policies assigned to the same seller and policy type.
Note: This field is visible only to the seller.

Max length: 65
Specifies the type of Custom Policy.

Two Custom Policy types are supported:
  • Product Compliance (PRODUCT_COMPLIANCE)
  • Takeback (TAKE_BACK)

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