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This enumerated type defines the listing compliance types supported by the Compliance API.

Types that use ComplianceTypeEnum


Calls that use ComplianceTypeEnum


Use this compliance type to see if a seller's listings have missing or invalid item aspects (item specifics). For each category, eBay maintains a list of required and recommended item aspects.
Use this compliance type to see if any of the seller's listings are violating eBay's policy of using an 'HTTP' link {to eBay and non-eBay sites) in the listing instead of 'HTTPS' links. This requirement includes links to externally-hosted listing images. If the server hosting the listing images does not support the HTTPS protocol, this server cannot be used to host listing images.
Use this compliance type to see if any listings are violating eBay's policy of not allowing links in the listing to sites outside of eBay. The seller including a personal email address and/or a phone number in the listing is also a violation of this policy. All communication between seller and buyers should be handled through eBay's communication system. The only exceptions to this outside links rule are links to product videos, information on freight shipping services, or any legally required information.
Product Adoption is not enforced at this time, so this compliance type is not currently applicable.
Product Adoption is not enforced at this time, so this compliance type is not currently applicable.
Use this compliance type to see if any listings have return periods that are no longer supported. The getReturnPolicies method in the Metadata API can be used to see the supported return periods for each listing category. For most eBay categories, the minimum return period that can be stated in a Returns Policy is 14 days for domestic and international sales, but some categories require a minimum 30-day return period.

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