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Published: June 17 2010, 10:48:00 PMUpdated: August 11 2022, 5:07:28 AM

Why the ShippingServiceCost value for Non international shipping is not returned in GetItem ?Here is a snippet from the response:

<PackagingHandlingCosts currencyID="USD">7.0</PackagingHandlingCosts>
<WeightMajor measurementSystem="English" unit="lbs">3</WeightMajor>
<WeightMinor measurementSystem="English" unit="oz">0</WeightMinor>
<ShippingServiceCost currencyID="USD">62.65</ShippingServiceCost>
<ShippingServiceCost currencyID="USD">109.65</ShippingServiceCost>


   For Calculated Shipping, Shipping costs are automatically calculated based on the buyer's shipping ZIP code or the country. The shipping type for the item in question is set to CalculatedDomesticFlatInternational, hence ShippingServiceCost tag is not returned for the Domestic shipping services in GetItem response.


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