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Published: March 04 2011, 10:38:00 AMUpdated: August 26 2022, 2:43:10 AM

What should I expect in the GetOrders response for an order that was partially refunded using PayPal?

If a transaction funded by PayPal was partially refunded you will observe the following in the GetOrders response -

  1. The OrderStatus for the order will stay as 'Completed'
  2. You will see two ExternalTransaction containers one for the payment and one for the refund.
  3. The AmountPaid = Original Payment Amount - Refund Amount
      <AdjustmentAmount currencyID="USD">-5.6</AdjustmentAmount>
      <AmountPaid currencyID="USD">51.07</AmountPaid>
      <AmountSaved currencyID="USD">0.0</AmountSaved>
     <Subtotal currencyID="USD">56.67</Subtotal>
      <Total currencyID="USD">51.07</Total>
        <FeeOrCreditAmount currencyID="USD">1.38</FeeOrCreditAmount>
        <PaymentOrRefundAmount currencyID="USD">56.67</PaymentOrRefundAmount>
        <FeeOrCreditAmount currencyID="USD">-0.11</FeeOrCreditAmount>
        <PaymentOrRefundAmount currencyID="USD">-5.6</PaymentOrRefundAmount>



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