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Published: July 07 2011, 10:18:00 PMUpdated: September 01 2022, 12:44:23 AM

My ReviseItem call is blocked with ErrorCode: 21916728. However; only 198  item compatibilities were specified in the request. What is the problem?

  <ShortMessage>Listing exceeds the maximum number of item compatibilities, 300, for category.</ShortMessage>
  <LongMessage>Listing exceeds the maximum number of item compatibilities, 300, for category.</LongMessage>
  <ErrorParameters ParamID="0">


  When specifying Item.ItemCompatibilityList in ReviseItem call, you are adding additional compatibilities to the existing ones.  The item in question has 169 compatibilities ( using GetItem call to check ItemCompatibilityCount tag ) and you are providing 198 more fitments in your ReviseItem request hence the error.

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