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Published: April 23 2015, 12:41:00 AMUpdated: September 02 2022, 1:47:12 AM

Why are the Shipping Package Details are being dropped for my add API calls?


What Shipping Package Details are available for "Flat" shipping 

Detailed Description

A seller can pass weight / dimension if they use domestic rate table for flat shipping cost when forming their shipping services.  So your shipping package details can only contain something like this,


<WeightMajor measurementSystem="English" unit="lbs">3</WeightMajor>

<WeightMinor measurementSystem="English" unit="oz">1</WeightMinor>


In order to have your items accept the ShippingPackageDetails you need to follow two steps,

1.  Create domestic rate tables based on 'weight' or 'item'
2.  Then add an item using the something like the following,




<WeightMajor measurementSystem="English" unit="lbs">3</WeightMajor>

<WeightMinor measurementSystem="English" unit="oz">1</WeightMinor>


<PaymentInstructions>PayPal is our preferred payment method for fast convenient service.</PaymentInstructions>







<ShippingServiceCost currencyID="USD">0.0</ShippingServiceCost>









<ShippingServiceCost currencyID="USD">30.82</ShippingServiceCost>
















<WeightMajor measurementSystem="English" unit="lbs">3</WeightMajor>

<WeightMinor measurementSystem="English" unit="oz">1</WeightMinor>


*NOTE - The eBay Selling team is making changes to capture Weight and Dimension even if an item ships via Flat by Jan 2013 next year. After that we will accept weight / dimension even for flat items (without having to use domestic rate table).

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