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Published: June 30 2005, 9:30:00 AMUpdated: July 21 2022, 4:54:09 AM


How do I find the items that ended successfully and also the ones that ended but did not sell?


How do I find the items that ended successfully and also the ones that were not successful in selling?

Using GetSellerTransactions you can get all the transactions for the items that sold successfully.  Since an item can have multiple transactions, as in the case of a Dutch Auction, you need to group them together to get all the transactions for an Item.

To get a list of the items that ended but were not sold, use GetSellerList and look for items with QuantitySold zero.

Here is an example using SDK 3.0.  It contains pieces of  the code behind a windows form GetEndedItems with two ListView Controls.  lvSold displays the items that ended and sold successfully.  lvItemsNotSold displays the items that ended and did not sell.  The UI also contains two DateTimePicker controls to let the user select the dates range for which they want all the transactions and items that ended.  

using System;
using System.Drawing;
using System.Collections;
using System.ComponentModel;
using System.Windows.Forms;
using System.Configuration;
using eBay.Service.Call;
using eBay.Service.Util;
using eBay.Service.Core.Sdk;
using eBay.Service.Core.Soap;

namespace SDK3
   ///Summary description for GetEndedItems. 

    public classGetEndedItems : System.Windows.Forms.Form
        //my variables 
        ApiContext context; 

       private voidGetEndedItems_Load(objectsender, System.EventArgs e)
            //set the context 
            context = newApiContext();            

            //set the logging 
            string logFile =ConfigurationSettings.AppSettings["LogFile"];
            context.ApiLogManager = newApiLogManager();
            context.ApiLogManager.ApiLoggerList.Add(newFileLogger(logFile, true, true,true));
            context.ApiLogManager.EnableLogging = true;

             //set the version 
            context.Version = "413";

         public ApiContextGetContext()
           // Credentials for the call
            context.ApiCredential.eBayToken =ConfigurationSettings.AppSettings["Token"];
            context.SoapApiServerUrl = ConfigurationSettings.AppSettings["URL"];
             return context;

         private voidbtnGetEndedItems_Click(objectsender, System.EventArgs e)
             bool blnHasMore = true

           int pageNumber =1; 
            GetSellerTransactionsCall getSellerTransactions = newGetSellerTransactionsCall(GetContext());

            getSellerTransactions.Pagination = newPaginationType();
            getSellerTransactions.Pagination.EntriesPerPage = 200;

             //Time filter 
            getSellerTransactions.ModTimeFilter = newTimeFilter(dtpFrom.Value, dtpTo.Value);

                //Set the page number 
               getSellerTransactions.Pagination.PageNumber = pageNumber;

                //Make the call 
               TransactionTypeCollection sellerList =getSellerTransactions.GetSellerTransactions(dtpFrom.Value, dtpTo.Value);              

               foreach(TransactionTypetransaction insellerList)
                   string[] output = new string[5]; 

                   output[0] = transaction.Item.ItemID; 
                   output[1] = transaction.Item.Title; 
                   output[2] = transaction.Buyer.UserID; 
                   output[3] = transaction.QuantityPurchased.ToString(); 
                   output[4] = transaction.AmountPaid.ToString();

                 if (!getSellerTransactions.ApiResponse.HasMoreTransactions)
                   blnHasMore = false;
            //Sort the ListView to group all the transactions with the same ItemID together. 
            //Sorting is done by ItemID since it is the first Column in the ListViewControl


            GetSellerListCall getSellerList = newGetSellerListCall(GetContext()); 

            getSellerList.Pagination = newPaginationType(); 
            getSellerList.Pagination.EntriesPerPage = 200; 
            pageNumber = 1;

           //End Time filter 
            getSellerList.EndTimeFilter = newTimeFilter(dtpFrom.Value, dtpTo.Value); 
            blnHasMore = true

                //Set the page number 
               getSellerList.Pagination.PageNumber = pageNumber;              

                 //Make the call 
               ItemTypeCollection sellerList = getSellerList.GetSellerList();
               foreach (ItemTypeitem in sellerList) 
                   string[] output = new string[4]; 
                   output[0] = item.ItemID; 
                   output[1] = item.Title; 
                   output[2] = item.SellingStatus.CurrentPrice.Value.ToString(); 
                   output[3] = item.SellingStatus.BidCount.ToString();

                   //Get the unsuccessful items 
                   if (item.SellingStatus.QuantitySold== 0) 

                   blnHasMore = false


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