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Published: August 31 2023, 12:00:00 AMUpdated: December 04 2024, 2:13:55 AM


Seller is approved for the eBay Refurbished Program but getting the error "Seller is not eligible to use Refurbished Item Condition in this Category" when listing/revising the item as below:

<?xml version="1.0"encoding="utf-8"?>
<AddItemRequest xmlns="urn:ebay:apis:eBLBaseComponents">
    <Location>SanJose, CA</Location>

Seller is approved for eBay Refurbished Program but when listing/revising the item, user is getting the following error:

    <ShortMessage>Seller is not eligible to use Refurbished Item Condition in this Category.</ShortMessage>
    <LongMessage>Seller is not eligible to use Refurbished Item Condition in this Category.</LongMessage>
    <ErrorParameters ParamID="0">


There can be several reasons for the API failure with error 21920311. One of the reasons can be, the incorrect ConditionID value is specified in the request for the CategoryID.

You can look for the <ConditionID> container and check for condition id value that you are using in the request and make sure to not to use this value as 2500 <ConditionID>2500</ConditionID> in the request. 

'Seller Refurbished' item condition (Condition ID 2500) is not the correct condition value. This item condition has been deprecated in some categories in multiple eBay marketplaces and been replaced by 'Excellent - Refurbished' (Condition ID 2010), 'Very Good - Refurbished' (Condition ID 2020), and 'Good - Refurbished' (Condition ID 2030).

For more information on the eBay Refurbished Program and item conditions, have a look here.


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