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Published: December 05 2024, 11:30:00 AMUpdated: December 06 2024, 6:05:48 AM


   Addressing Mismatched Results: Why the Browse API Search Yields Silver Rounds Instead of Silver Bars


When you try to search for the listings via search(Browse API) and you're encountering result mismatched issue, it could be due to a variety of factors including search algorithm behavior, keyword relevance, and product categorization like item specific attributes and metadata  within the API's database. Moreover, Generally, Search doesn't use just title for returning result. Title is significant part of searching but there are item specific attributes and metadata that also used in searching process and providing results.

For Example: If you search for "silver bars" using a Browse API and the result is also having "silver rounds", they do have item specific data such as "Other Silver Bars", "Sunshine Minting Silver Bars", etc. That's why items including 'silver rounds' are in the result/response. 

Check Search Query Parameters: Ensure that your search query is correctly formatted and that the keywords "silver bars" are being sent as intended. Look for any possible encoding issues or typos.

Review API Documentation: Consult the Browse API documentation for any specific query parameters that can be adjusted to narrow down the search results, such as filters for product type or category.

Adjust Keywords: If the search algorithm is associating "silver rounds" closely with "silver bars," try using additional or alternative keywords that are more specific to silver bars.

Use Filters: Apply filters to your search query to exclude products that do not match the "silver bars" description, such as shape, size, or product category.

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