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Published: September 04 2006, 3:34:00 PMUpdated: July 26 2022, 4:59:57 PM


For a sample listing, VerifyAddItem gives a ListingFee of $0.75, while AddItem returns $1.50. The only difference in between calls is that the VerifyAddItem uses made-up EPS image URLs as below:



Detail Description

 You can use VerifyAddItem to test/retrieve SuperSize Fee. For any EPS image, VerifyAddItem returns the same amount of PhotoDisplayFee as AddItem does for a given site, as long as the image is functioning. If the picture is broken, the PhotoDisplayFee is not returned in either VerifyAddItem or AddItem response, and this can be verified by sending the same test EPS image in AddItem on Sandbox environment.  Following EPS image URL can be used to test SuperSize picture functionality. 

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<VerifyAddItemRequest xmlns="urn:ebay:apis:eBLBaseComponents">


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