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Published: October 19 2006, 4:04:00 PMUpdated: August 01 2022, 9:39:17 AM


Detailed Description

    ContainingOrder container consists some of an order information as OrderID, OrderStatus and CreatingUserRole for a given transaction as below:
   < ContainingOrder>

   The property is returned in the Transaction container for either GetSellerTransactions or GetItem call if the following conditions are true:

   1. IncludeContainingOrder flag is set to true in the request
   2. This transaction belongs to an active or completed order

  Here is the sample GetItemTransaction request and part of the response.

  <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>        


      < IncludeContainingOrder>true</IncludeContainingOrder> 

  <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>


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