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Published: November 16 2006, 10:21:00 AMUpdated: July 29 2022, 4:38:06 PM


My AddItem call is returning this blocking Error:

ShortMessage>You specified inconsistent checkout details.</ShortMessage>
LongMessage><UseTaxTable> requires that shipping service details be specified</LongMessage>

What does this mean?
Why can't I use a Tax Table?


Detailed Description

In order for a seller to use the Tax Table feature on a listing, the listing must have at least 1 valid domestic shipping service defined.
This is done through the API through the ShippingDetails container on the Item.
Here is an example of an AddItem call with a ShippingDetails container:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<AddItemRequest xmlns="urn:ebay:apis:eBLBaseComponents">
         <Location>San Jose, CA</Location>


You will note the ShippingServiceOptions container in bold that highlights the minimum that is required in a ShippingDetails container,
which is of course, at least 1 domestic shipping service.

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