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Published: January 18 2007, 3:49:00 PMUpdated: August 02 2022, 5:36:30 PM


Why am I getting the following error in response to my ReviseItem call?


<ShortMessage>AutoDecline has been disabled or is no longer available.</ShortMessage>

<LongMessage>AutoDecline has been disabled or is no longer available.</LongMessage>








This warning message is the correct behavior if a ReviseItem call is made
that lowers the StartPrice for an item that has the best offer auto decline feature.

The product design of the best offer auto decline feature was intended to ensure
that API applications explicitly indicate the following 2 fields in bold in ReviseItem calls:


in order to retain the best offer auto decline feature.

If a ReviseItem call that lowers the StartPrice does not contain the above 2 fields in bold,
then the item will have the best offer auto decline feature dropped,
and the ReviseItem call will return this error.

Please note that this does NOT mean that the item no longer has the best offer feature.
The item will still have the best offer feature.

Here is a simple, example ReviseItem call that lowers the StartPrice,
and which includes the fields which keep the best offer auto decline feature:

    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
    <ReviseItemRequest xmlns="urn:ebay:apis:eBLBaseComponents">

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