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Published: March 02 2007, 6:05:00 PMUpdated: August 04 2022, 7:23:00 AM

When I sending the GetAccount request as showing below, the api reports the Accounts that dated outside the specified dates ( <Date>2007-02-16T07:49:03.000Z</Date>, for example)

<GetAccountRequest xmlns="urn:ebay:apis:eBLBaseComponents">

Why the data range tags do not work?


  The BeginDate and EndDate date range filters are the optional properties for GetAccount API call. The call returns data that limited within the data range specified only when AccountHistorySelection is set  to BetweenSpecifiedDates in the request as below.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>

             <AccountHistorySelection>BetweenSpecifiedDates</AccountHistorySelection>              <RequesterCredentials>

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