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Due to regulatory requirements applicable to our EU/UK sellers, for certain APIs, developers need to add digital signatures to the respective HTTP call. The Key Management API creates keypairs that are required when creating digital signatures for the following APIs:

Note: For additional information about keypairs and creating Message Signatures, refer to Digital Signatures for APIs.


Method NameHTTP MethodPathSummarySamples
createSigningKeyPOST/signing_keyCreates keypairs using the selected cipher.View createSigningKey - /signing_key
getSigningKeyGET/signing_key/{signing_key_id}Retrieves a specific keypair and metadata for a specified signing key ID associated with the application key making the call.View getSigningKey - /signing_key/{signing_key_id}
getSigningKeysGET/signing_keyRetrieve keypairs and metadata for all keypairs associated with the application key making the call.View getSigningKeys - /signing_key