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This type is used to express the details of one of the following monetary transactions: a buyer's payment for an order, a refund to the buyer for a returned item or cancelled order, or a credit issued by eBay to the seller's account.

Type that uses Transaction


Call that uses Transaction


This container shows the dollar value and currency type of the monetary transaction. This field is always returned even when eBay has yet to initiate a payout for the order.
The enumeration value returned in this field indicates if the monetary transaction amount is a (CREDIT) or a (DEBIT) to the seller's account. Typically, the SALE and CREDIT transaction types are credits to the seller's account, and the REFUND, DISPUTE, SHIPPING_LABEL, and TRANSFER transaction types are debits to the seller's account.
This is the unique eBay user ID for the buyer who purchased the order. This field is not returned for TRANSFER monetary transaction types.
This is the amount of sales tax that has been collected by eBay for an order.

Note: Sales tax applies only to SALE and REFUND transactions (transactionType).
This container stores information about region-specific fees that are charged to sellers.

This is returned for fees (i.e., FeeTypeEnum values,) that are mandated by a seller's governing jurisdiction.

For example:
The enumeration value returned in this field indicates the type of fee that was deducted from the seller payout.
The unique identifier of the eBay order associated with the monetary transaction.
array of OrderLineItem
This array shows the fees that are deducted from a seller payout for each line item in an order.

Note: In some cases, a transaction fee might be returned asynchronously from the associated order. In such cases, you can determine the order to which the fee applies by examining the referenceID value of the fee, which should match the ID of the order.
This string value indicates the entity that is processing the payment.
This container provides the payout details for a split-payout case. This container is only returned for split-payout use cases.
The unique identifier of the seller payout associated with the monetary transaction. This identifier is generated once eBay begins processing the payout for the corresponding order. This field will not be returned if eBay has not yet begun processing the payout for an order.

This value can be used by the filter query parameter to get monetary transactions associated with the true(actual) payout associated with the PayoutId.

Note: In case of a split payout, always pick the first true(actual) payout id.
array of Reference
This field contains reference information for the transaction fee. This includes an ID and the type of ID provided (such as item ID).
The Sales Record Number associated with a sales order. Sales Record Numbers are Selling Manager/Selling Manager Pro identifiers that are created at order checkout.

Note: For all orders originating after February 1, 2020, a value of 0 will be returned in this field. The Sales Record Number field has also been removed from Seller Hub. Instead of salesRecordReference, depend on orderId instead as the identifier of the order. The salesRecordReference field has been scheduled for deprecation, and a date for when this field will no longer be returned at all will be announced soon.
array of Tax
This array shows the tax type and amount applicable to the transaction.

Note: Currently, this array is only returned for tax charged against a purchased eBay shipping label.
This amount is the total amount of selling fees paid for order. A breakdown of fees for each order line item can be found in the orderLineItems array.

This field is even returned if it is 0.0 (no fees deducted from seller payout).
This amount is the total amount for the order before selling fees are deducted from the seller payout associated with the order.
This timestamp indicates when the monetary transaction (order purchase, buyer refund, seller credit) occurred. The following (UTC) format is used: YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SS.SSSZ. For example, 2015-08-04T19:09:02.768Z.
The unique identifier of the monetary transaction. A monetary transaction can be a sales order, an order refund to the buyer, a credit to the seller's account, a debit to the seller for the purchase of a shipping label, or a transaction where eBay recouped money from the seller if the seller lost a buyer-initiated payment dispute.
This field provides more details on shipping label transactions and transactions where the funds are being held by eBay. For shipping label transactions, the transactionMemo gives details about a purchase, a refund, or a price adjustment to the cost of the shipping label. For on-hold transactions, the transactionMemo provides information on the reason for the hold or when the hold will be released (e.g., "Funds on hold. Estimated release on Jun 1").

This field is only returned if applicable/available.
This enumeration value indicates the current status of the seller payout associated with the monetary transaction. See the TransactionStatusEnum type for more information on the different states.
This enumeration value indicates the type of monetary transaction. Examples of monetary transactions include a buyer's payment for an order, a refund to the buyer for a returned item or cancelled order, or a credit issued by eBay to the seller's account. For a complete list of monetary transaction types within the Finances API, see the TransactionTypeEnum type.

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