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Once offers are created, there are calls to update, publish, retrieve, and delete these offers.

Updating offers

The updateOffer call is used to update a published offer (active eBay listing) or unpublished offer. The requirements of the update action are nearly identical to the create action, in the fact that the update action completely overwrites all values/settings in the existing published/unpublished offer. All applicable fields must be passed in even if their values are not changing. The only difference is that a offerId value must be passed in at the end of the updateOffer call URI to identify the offer to update. The offerId value for an offer is created with a successful createOffer call, and is returned in the response payload of that call.

For a published offer, a successful updateOffer call will not only update the offer object, but will update the associated active eBay listing in real time. For an unpublished offer, the seller will have to use the publishOffer call to create the active eBay listing based on the offer object.

Publishing offers

The publishOffer call is used to convert a unpublished offer into an active eBay listing. The offerId value must be passed in at the end of the publishOffer call URI to identify the offer to publish. If the publishOffer call successfully creates a new eBay listing, the new eBay listing ID is returned in the response payload.

The publishOfferByInventoryItemGroup call is used to convert all unpublished offers associated with an inventory item group into an active, multiple-variation listing. The unique identifier of the inventory item group (inventoryItemGroupKey) is passed in the request payload. All offers in the inventory item group must be valid (meet all requirements) for the publishOfferByInventoryItemGroup call to be successful. A new listing will not be created with the publishOfferByInventoryItemGroup call if one or more offers in the inventory item group have issues. Be sure to check for any error or warning messages in the call response for any applicable information about one or more offers having issues.

Getting and deleting offers

The getOffer call should be used to retrieve all of the details of a specific offer. The offerId value is passed in at the end of getOffer call URI. The getOffers call will retrieve all offers associated with a specific SKU value.

The deleteOffer call is used to delete a specific offer. The offerId value is passed in at the end of deleteOffer call URI. If the call is successful, this action will delete the offer object and end the active eBay listing associated with this offer.

Withdrawing offers

The withdrawOffer call is similar to the deleteOffer call in the fact that it will end the active eBay listing associated with the offer, but different in the fact that it will not actually delete that offer object. Instead, it only converts that offer to the unpublished state and keeps all of its current settings beyond that. The offerId value of the offer to withdraw is passed in at the end of withdrawOffer call URI.

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