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Listing your products into the most suitable eBay listing categories helps buyers find your products on eBay. The Classification feed type allows the seller to upload a Product feed, and then eBay uses some of the data in the Product feed to determine which eBay leaf (listing) categories would be the best match for your products.

Note: Classification feed response files are only generated in CSV format, even when XML-based request file is used.

Using the MIP GUI to obtain categories

The following procedure assumes that you are already signed in to MIP.

  1. Click Metadata > Classification link to open the Classification feed page.
  2. Click Upload button and browse to the Product feed file that you want to use.
  3. Click the file name to upload the file to MIP.
  4. In a few seconds (if processed successfully), the response file will be available for download on the Classification feed page.
  5. Click Download link to open the Classification feed response file.
  6. Based on suggested eBay categories, you can then choose to update your Product feed with those category IDs.

Using the MIP file server to obtain categories

  1. On the MIP SFTP file server, copy your Product feed file into the Classification feed folder.
  2. After a few minutes, open the Classification feed folder, and then open the output folder. A time-stamped subfolder contains a file with a name that consists of the input file name and the timestamp.
  3. Download and open the file.
  4. Based on suggested eBay categories, you can then choose to update your Product feed with those category IDs.





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