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To get suggested categories for products, a seller can upload full Product feeds to the Classification feed page/folder, or the seller can upload a file that has the following fields:

Field name




XML: product.SKU

Required. The product's Stock Keeping Unit value, defined by the seller to identify the product. This value must be unique across the seller's inventory on each eBay marketplace.

Type: string

Max length: 50


Group ID


Conditionally Required for Multiple SKU. The unique identifier for a product group that is used for a multiple-variation listing.

Type: string

Max length: 50


CSV: Title

XML: productInformation.title (single SKU)

XML: sharedProductInformation.title (multiple SKU)

Required. The title of the listing.

Type: string

Max length: 80

For XML input files, the sharedProductInformation.title value will overwrite any productInformation.title values defined for products within the product group.

Localized For

XML: localizedFor attribute in product.productInformation field (single SKU)

XML: localizedFor attribute in productVariationGroup.groupInformationfield (multiple SKU)

Optional. Specifies the language used for data in the listing. The default language of the eBay marketplace is used if this field is not supplied in the input file. Values include en_US, en_GB, es_ES, fr_FR, and others. See Locale enumerated values for full list.

Type: string


Channel ID


Required.The unique identifier of the eBay marketplace, such as EBAY_US, EBAY_GB, or EBAY_DE, and others. See Marketplace enumerated values for full list.

Type: string

For XML input files, the channelID field is specified under the product.distribution container

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