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Promoted Listings Standard is an eBay advertising service that sellers can use to promote selected items in their inventory on the eBay marketplace. By creating Promoted Listings Standard ad campaigns, sellers can put their best merchandise in front of active shoppers to increase item exposure, which leads to the likelihood of a sale. The Promoted Listings feeds from MIP allow large sellers to create and manage promoted listings in bulk, which is key for sellers with huge inventory volume.

The best part? You only pay when your item sells.

For more information about Promoted Listings Standard, see Promoted Listings in the Seller Center.

Note: At this time, MIP does not support Promoted Listings Advanced campaigns.


Please see the following sections for requirements and restrictions for managing Promoted Listings Standard ad campaigns with MIP.

Seller requirements

Before a seller can create a Promoted Listings Standard campaign, they must meet the following requirements:

US and Australia

The seller must:

  • Be in good standing
  • Have an established sales history

UK, Germany, France, Italy, and Spain

The seller must:

  • Either register as a business or have an eBay Shop
  • Be in good standing
  • Have an established sales history

Temporary regional restrictions

Promoted Listings feeds for MIP have launched with full capability for the following eBay marketplaces:

  • United States (US)
  • United Kingdom (UK)
  • Australia (AU)
  • Germany (DE)

Promoted Listings feeds for MIP is supported for the following eBay marketplaces, but sellers must first agree to the Terms of Service:

  • Canada/Canada Francais (CA/CA-FR)
  • France (FR)
  • Italy (IT)
  • Spain (ES)

See the Promoted Listings Restrictions for MIP page for additional information, including instructions for accepting eBay’s Terms of Service to get access to Promoted Listings in these regions.

Feed file requirements

The Promoted Listings and Promoted Listings eligibility feeds support the CSV format only, currently. See Sample feed and response files for links to related sample files.

Before a promoted listing can be created using MIP, the listing must be present within eBay and seller should know the Item ID or SKU associated with the listing. With the Promoted Listing Eligibility feed, the seller can find out the listing eligibility and trending ad rate across eBay for any given item that they would like to promote. Use this feed in one of two modes: 

  1. Submit a collection of listings, identified by SKU (and marketplace/channel), item ID, or group ID
  2. Submit a collection of categories

When you submit a feed with categories, the response includes all of the seller’s eligible listings in the category and their trending ad rate percentage. See the Promoted Listings eligibility feed definitions topic for more information. For an example feed with a collection of listings, see the following sample file: promoted-listings-eligibility.csv.

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