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This topic describes Promoted Listings feeds, the requirements to use them, the definitions of the elements they can contain, and how to create a Promoted Listings feed file.


Promoted Listings Standard is an eBay advertising service that sellers can use to promote selected items in their inventory on the eBay marketplace. By creating Promoted Listings Standard ad campaigns, sellers can put their best merchandise in front of active shoppers to increase item exposure, which leads to the likelihood of a sale. The Promoted Listings feeds from MIP allow large sellers to create and manage promoted listings in bulk, which is key for sellers with huge inventory volume.

Note: At this time, MIP does not support Promoted Listings Advanced campaigns.

For more information about Promoted Listings Standard, see Promoted Listings in the Seller Center.


Please see the following sections for requirements and restrictions for managing Promoted Listings Standard ad campaigns with MIP.

Seller requirements

Before a seller can create a Promoted Listings Standard campaign, they must meet the following requirements:

US and Australia

The seller must:

  • Be in good standing
  • Have an established sales history

UK, Germany, France, Italy, and Spain

The seller must:

  • Either register as a business or have an eBay Shop
  • Be in good standing
  • Have an established sales history

Temporary regional restrictions

Promoted Listings feeds for MIP have launched with full capability for the following eBay marketplaces:

  • United States (US)
  • United Kingdom (UK)
  • Australia (AU)
  • Germany (DE)

Promoted Listings feeds for MIP is supported for the following eBay marketplaces, but sellers must first agree to the Terms of Service:

  • Canada/Canada Francais (CA/CA-FR)
  • France (FR)
  • Italy (IT)
  • Spain (ES)

See the Promoted Listings Restrictions for MIP page for additional information, including instructions for accepting eBay’s Terms of Service to get access to Promoted Listings Standard in these regions.

Feed file requirements

The Promoted Listings and Promoted Listings eligibility feeds support the CSV format only, currently. See Sample feed and response files for links to related sample files. Note the following requirements and restrictions for Promoted Listings feeds:

  • You must specify a valid Promoted Listing Action value (i.e., Add, Update, or Delete) for each entry in the feed
  • A given listing (i.e., SKU, Item ID, or Group ID) cannot be added to multiple ad campaigns
  • Item ID is required for specifying non-MIP listings for inclusion in a Promoted Listings Standard ad campaign
  • When Item ID is specified, it takes precedence over SKU or Group ID
  • When adding or updating an ad campaign, you must provide a valid Ad Rate % value
  • When deleting a listing from an ad campaign, you must specify the Campaign Name
  • When specifying a listing by SKU or Group ID, you must also specify the Channel ID. In other words, specify the eBay marketplace, such as EBAY_US. See Marketplace enumerated values for full list.
  • When specifying a new listing or SKU to promote, if you do not provide a campaign name, eBay will create a new campaign and assign a name automatically
  • A single Promoted Listings Standard ad campaign can have up to 50,000 listings and once an ad campaign has reached the limit, subsequent add actions will be ignored

Multi-SKU (multi-variation) requirements

Please note the following Promoted Listings feed rules for multi-SKU listings:

  • Use Group ID to add a MIP (inventory-based) multi-SKU listing to a Promoted Listings Standard ad campaign, the specified ad rate applies to all SKUs/variations
  • When using Item ID for a multi-SKU listing in the Promoted Listings feed, the specified ad rate applies to all SKUs/variations
  • You cannot specify individual SKUs of a multi-SKU listing for promotion:
    • If a single SKU is added, the whole group is promoted and the specified ad rate percentage applies to all SKUs
    • If multiple SKUs are added, the whole group is promoted and one of the specified ad rate percentages applies to all SKUs

Creating and managing ad campaigns with Promoted Listings Feeds

Before a promoted listing can be created using MIP, the listing must be present within eBay and seller should know the Item ID or SKU associated with the listing. The Promoted Listings eligibility feed can be used to determine which of your listings qualify for inclusion in a Promoted Listings Standard ad campaign. See About Promoted Listings feeds for more information.

Creating an ad campaign

Once the seller decides to promote a new listing (or edit an existing promoted listing), they can use the Promoted Listing feed to specify campaign names and the applicable ad rates and start promoting in bulk.

To create a new ad campaign:

  1. Open the following link: promoted-listings.csv.
  2. Open the Promoted Listings feed sample file and edit it with information about the listings you want to promote (e.g., SKU value and ad rate %). See Promoted Listings feed definitions for details. (If you do not specify an ad campaign name (Campaign Name), eBay will assign one automatically.
  3. Save the file with an appropriate name.
  4. Upload the Promoted Listings feed file to eBay.

See the Promoted Listings feed definitions topic for more information.

Updating an ad campaign

When the seller has an active ad campaign, they can make the following changes:

  • Add more listings to promote
  • Adjust the ad rate percentage
  • Remove listings from the ad campaign

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