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The table below describes the fields in an order report. An order report is a response file. See Obtaining order reports for details.

Sample response files:

Note: The fields in the table below are ordered according to their order in the CSV order report response file. The parent is provided for XML fields in order to make it easier to locate that field in the XML order report response file.

Field name


CSV: orderID

XML: order.orderID

The unique identifier of the eBay order

Note: The unique identifier of a 'non-immediate payment' order will change as it goes from an unpaid order to a paid order.

Occurrence: Always Returned

CSV: channelID

XML: order.channelID

The unique identifier for a sales channel, such as EBAY_US, EBAY_GB, or EBAY_IT. See Marketplace enumerated values for full list

Occurrence: Optional

CSV: merchantOrderID

XML: Not returned in XML response

The seller's unique identifier for the order. Unlike the orderID value, which is automatically created by eBay, this order identifier is created by the seller

CSV: createdDate

XML: order.createdDate

Indicates the date and time that the order was created. The valid date-time format is:

Occurrence: Always Returned

CSV: buyerID

XML: buyer.buyerID

The buyer's eBay user ID

Occurrence: Always Returned

CSV: buyerEmail

XML: buyer.Email

The buyer's email address

Occurrence: Always Returned

CSV: buyerName

XML: Not returned in XML response

The buyer’s name

CSV: buyerFirstName

XML: buyer.FirstName

The buyer's first name

Occurrence: Always Returned

CSV: buyerLastName

XML: buyer.LastName

The buyer's last name.

Occurrence: Always Returned

CSV: buyerAddressID

XML: see shipToAddress.addressID

Unique identifier for a user's address in the eBay database, which can alleviate the need to store an address multiple times across multiple orders. The ID changes if a user changes their address

See Shipping related fields for use

CSV: buyerNameOnAddress

XML: see

The buyer's eBay user ID

See Shipping related fields for use

CSV: buyerPhone

XML: see

The buyer's phone number

See Shipping related fields for use

CSV: shipToAddress.addressLine1

XML: see shipToAddress.addressLine1

The buyer's shipping address

See Shipping related fields for use

CSV: buyerAddressLine2

XML: see shipToAddress.addressLine2

The buyer's apartment or suite number, if needed

See Shipping related fields for use

CSV: buyerCity

XML: see

The buyer's city

See Shipping related fields for use

CSV: buyerCounty

XML: see shipToAddress.county

The buyer's county, district, or region, if needed

See Shipping related fields for use

CSV: buyerStateOrProvince

XML: see shipToAddress.stateOrProvince

The buyer's state or province

See Shipping related fields for use

CSV: buyerPostalCode

XML: see shipToAddress.postalCode

The buyer's postal code or region designation

See Shipping related fields for use

CSV: buyerCountry

XML: see

The buyer's country

See Shipping related fields for use

CSV: sellerID

XML: seller.sellerID

The seller's eBay user ID

Occurrence: Always Returned

CSV: fulfillmentType

XML: fulfillmentType attribute of order.logisticsPlan container

Direct shipping method for getting the item to the buyer. Valid values:

  • SHIP

Occurrence: Always Returned

CSV: programType

XML: Not returned in XML response

The shipping sales channel-specific program that will be used to fulfill the order

CSV: shippingType

XML: shippingType attribute of logisticsPlan.shipping container

The shipping sales channel-specific program that will be used to fulfill the order. Valid values:

  • DIRECT: shipping directly to the buyer

  • MULTILEG: shipped using the eBay eIS, eBay Authentication, eBay Vault, and GSP (Global Shipping Program)

CSV: shippingServiceID

XML: shippingService.service

Numerical ID of the shipping service

CSV: shippingServiceName

XML: Not returned in XML response

This is the specific shipping that the buyer has selected. Values vary by carrier.

CSV: shippingMethod

XML: shippingService.method

The type of shipping method, such as ShippingMethodStandard


XML: Not returned in XML response

Identifies an order that was shipped using the Global Shipping Program. This value is generated by eBay when the order is completed. The international shipping provider uses the ReferenceID as the primary reference when processing the shipment. Include this value on the package above the street address of the international shipping provider

CSV: shipToAddressID

XML: shipToAddress.addressID

Unique identifier for a buyer's address in the eBay database. Using an ID is easier and faster than having to enter the whole address each time you need it, especially when the buyer laces multiple orders. The ID changes if a buyer changes their address

See Shipping related fields for use

CSV: shipToAddressName


The name associated with the address. This is usually the buyer's name or the store's name, whichever is applicable

See Shipping related fields for use

CSV: shipToAddressPhone

XML: shipToAddress.addressPhone

The phone number associated with the address

See Shipping related fields for use

CSV: shipToAddressLine1

XML; shipToAddress.addressLine1

The first line of the street address, typically the number and street name

See Shipping related fields for use

CSV: shipToAddressLine2

XML: shipToAddressLine2

The second line of the street address, typically a suite or apartment number

See Shipping related fields for use

CSV: shipToAddressCity

The city in which the street address is located

See Shipping related fields for use

CSV: shipToAddressCounty

XML: shipToAddress.county

The county in which the street address is located

See Shipping related fields for use

CSV: shipToAddressStateOrProvince

XML: shipToAddress.stateOrProvince

The state or province in which the address is located

See Shipping related fields for use

CSV: shipToAddressPostalCode

XML: shipToAddress.postalCode

The postal (or zip) code of the address

See Shipping related fields for use

CSV: shipToAddress


The country in which the address is located

See Shipping related fields for use

CSV: expectedDeliveryDate

XML: shipping.expectedDeliveryDate

The estimated delivery date to the buyer. This time is calculated by adding your handling time (set up in your shipping policy) and expected shipping time of the selected shipping service to the order creation time

CSV: finalDestinationAddressID


Unique identifier for a buyer's address in the eBay database, which can alleviate the need to store an address multiple times across multiple orders. The ID changes if a user changes their address

See Shipping related fields for use

CSV: finalDestinationAddressName


The name associated with the address. This is usually the buyer's name or the store's name, whichever is applicable

See Shipping related fields for use

CSV: finalDestinationAddressPhone


The phone number associated with the final destination address

See Shipping related fields for use

CSV: finalDestinationAddressLine1


The first line of the street address, typically the number and street name

See Shipping related fields for use

CSV: finalDestinationAddressLine2


The second line of the street address, typically a suite or apartment number

See Shipping related fields for use

CSV: finalDestinationCity


The city in which the street address is located

See Shipping related fields for use

CSV: finalDestinationCounty

XML: finalDestinationAddress.county

The county in which the street address is located

See Shipping related fields for use

CSV: finalDestinationStateOrProvince


The state or province in which the address is located

See Shipping related fields for use

CSV: finalDestinationPostalCode

XML: finalDestinationAddress.postalCode

The postal code of the address

See Shipping related fields for use

CSV: finalDestinationCountry


The country in which the address is located

See Shipping related fields for use

CSV: pickupType

XML: Not returned in XML response

This value indicates the pickup type, such as In-Store Pickup.

CSV: pickupLocationID

XML: Not returned in XML response

Unique identifier (defined by you) for an inventory location that is set up with the availability feed. Once established, the locationID value can’t be changed

CSV: pickupAddressID

XML: Not returned in XML response

The seller-defined unique identifier of the merchant's store where the item will be picked up. Only returned if defined by seller

CSV: pickupAddressName

XML: Not returned in XML response

Note: This field is used for BOPIS and Click and Collect stores.

The name of the store where the item will be picked up

CSV: pickupAddressPhone

XML: Not returned in XML response

Note: This field is used for BOPIS and Click and Collect stores.

The phone number of the store where the item will be picked up.

CSV: pickupAddressLine1

XML: Not returned in XML response

Note: This field is used for BOPIS and Click and Collect stores.

The first line of the street address, typically the number and street name, of the store where the item will be picked up.

CSV: pickupAddressLine2

XML: Not returned in XML response

Note: This field is used for BOPIS and Click and Collect stores.

The second line of the street address of the store where the item will be picked up.

CSV: pickupAddressCity

XML: Not returned in XML response

Note: This field is used for BOPIS and Click and Collect stores.

The city in which the street address is located of the store where the item will be picked up.

CSV: pickupAddressCounty

XML: Not returned in XML response

Note: This field is used for BOPIS and Click and Collect stores.

The county in which the street address is located of the store where the item will be picked up.

CSV: pickupAddressStateOrProvince

XML: Not returned in XML response

Note: This field is used for BOPIS and Click and Collect stores.

The state or province in which the address is located

CSV: pickupAddressPostalCode

XML: Not returned in XML response

Note: This field is used for BOPIS and Click and Collect stores.

The postal (or zip) code of the address of the store where the item will be picked up.

CSV: pickupAddressCountry

XML: Not returned in XML response

Note: This field is used for BOPIS and Click and Collect stores.

The country in which the address is located of the store where the item will be picked up.

CSV: expectedPickupTime

XML: Not returned in XML response

Note: This field is used for BOPIS and Click and Collect stores.

The expected time when a pickup order will be ready for pickup at the store

CSV: lineItemID

XML: lineItem.lineItemID

Unique identifier of the order line item that is created by eBay when the buyer commits to buy the line item

Occurrence: Always Returned

CSV: listingChannelID

XML: listing.channelID

The unique identifier for a sales channel. Values include EBAY_US, EBAY_GB, EBAY_DE, and others. See Marketplace enumerated values for full list.

Note: listingChannelID is the actual marketplace where the sale occurred which may or may not be the same marketplace where the seller listed the items that have orders.

Occurrence: Always Returned

CSV: itemID

XML: listing.itemID

Unique identifier of the eBay listing where the line item was purchased

Occurrence: Always Returned


XML: listing.SKU

Stock keeping unit (SKU) identifier for the item

Occurrence: Always Returned

CSV: title

XML: listing.title

The title that appears in the listing. If a listing is on hold, the itemID of the listing is returned instead of the title.

CSV: quantity

XML: lineItem.quantity

Indicates the quantity of the item purchased by the buyer per order or per line item

Occurrence: Always Returned

CSV: unitPrice

XML: lineItem.unitPrice

Used in the European Union countries to inform prospective buyers how much they are paying for the item by the weight, volume, or unit.

The European Union requires listings for certain types of products to include the price per unit so buyers can accurately compare prices. The per-unit price is displayed on eBay EU sites only

CSV: unitPriceCurrency

attribute of lineItem.unitPrice

Indicates the currency used for the unit price of the line item. Currency codes are: USD, CAD, GBP, AUD, EUR, and RUB

CSV: lineItemPriceLines

XML: subtotal.priceline container

The cost type for the line item. Valid values:

  • ITEM: The dollar value in the amount field is the cost of the line item. This value is similar to LINE_ITEM_SUBTOTAL, but ITEM is returned for single-line item orders, and LINE_ITEM_SUBTOTAL is returned for multiple line item orders
  • TAX: The dollar value in the amount field is the sales tax applied to the line item
  • SHIPPING: The dollar value in the amount field is the shipping cost of the line item
  • DISCOUNT: The dollar value in the amount field is the discount to the line item. Should be a negative value
  • RECYCLING: The dollar value in the amount field is the recycling fee associated with the line item
  • LINE_ITEM_SUBTOTAL: The dollar value in the amount field is the cost of the line item. This value is similar to ITEM, but LINE_ITEM_SUBTOTAL for multiple line item orders, and ITEM for item orders

CSV sample


XML sample

	<priceline type="ITEM">
	<amount currencyCode="USD">49.98</amount>
	<priceline type="SHIPPING">
	<amount currencyCode="">0.00</amount>
	<priceline type="ITEM_TAX">
	<amount currencyCode="USD">3.50</amount>
	<sumtotal currencyCode="USD">53.48</sumtotal>

Occurrence: Always Returned

CSV: lineItemSumTotal

XML: subtotal.sumtotal

Current cost for the line item based on one or more costs/discounts shown in one or more priceLine elements/fields


attribute of subtotal.sumtotal

Shows the currency used for the current cost of the line item. Currency codes are: USD, CAD, GBP, AUD, EUR, and RUB

CSV: logisticsStatus

XML: status.logisticsStatus

This field updates the status of the order. Valid values:

  • PICKED_UP: The buyer has picked up an In-Store Pickup order. This is typically a status update that you send for eBay's records
  • READY_FOR_PICKUP: The In-Store Pickup order is ready to be picked up by the buyer
  • SHIPPED: The order has been shipped. This is typically the value that is used when the seller is providing the buyer with shipment tracking information

CSV: giftMessage

XML: Not returned in XML response

This field is deprecated, and can be ignored if returned.

CSV: giftWrap

XML: Not returned in XML response

This field is deprecated, and can be ignored if returned.

CSV: lineItemNote

XML: Not returned in XML response

Provides a note about the order line item

CSV: paymentProcessedBy

XML: Not returned in XML response

The name of the payment processor

CSV: paymentID

XML: payment.paymentID

Unique identifier for the payment, which is generated by eBay at the time of payment

CSV: paidToAccount

XML: Not returned in XML response

Indicates the name of the account that the payment was applied to. Only returned if the account name is known

CSV: feeOrCreditAmount

XML: payment.feeOrCreditAmount

Fee Amount is a positive value and Credit Amount is a negative value.

CSV: payment.feeOrCreditAmountCurrency

XML: currencyCode attribute of payment.feeOrCreditAmount

Fee Amount is a positive value and Credit Amount is a negative value.

CSV: paymentTotal

XML: payment.Total

Total amount paid for the order. This value is returned after the buyer has completed checkout

CSV: paymentCurrency

XML: currencyCode attribute of

The currency used for payment of the order. Currency codes are: USD, CAD, GBP, AUD, EUR, and RUB

CSV: paymentClearedDate

XML: payment.paymentClearedDate

The date and time the buyer pays for the order

CSV: paymentInstrument

XML: payment.paymentMethod

Note: The payment method is not always exposed to seller since eBay handles payment from buyer.

Payment method used for order payment.

CSV: paymentInstruction

XML: Not returned in XML response

This field is deprecated, and can be ignored if returned.

CSV: orderPriceLines

XML: total.priceline containers

The cost type for the order. Valid values:

  • ITEM: The dollar value in the amount field is the cost of the line item. This value is similar to LINE_ITEM_SUBTOTAL, but ITEM is returned for single-line item orders, and LINE_ITEM_SUBTOTAL is returned for multiple line item orders
  • ITEM_TAX: The dollar value in the amount field is the sales tax applied to the line item
  • SHIPPING: The dollar value in the amount field is the shipping cost of the line item
  • DISCOUNT: The dollar value in the amount field is the discount to the line item. Should be a negative value
  • RECYCLING: The dollar value in the amount field is the recycling fee associated with the line item
  • LINE_ITEM_SUBTOTAL: The dollar value in the amount field is the cost of the line item. This value is similar to ITEM, but LINE_ITEM_SUBTOTAL for multiple line item orders, and ITEM for item orders

CSV sample


XML sample

  <priceline type="ITEM">
    <amount currencyCode="USD">9.99</amount>
  <priceline type="ITEM_TAX">
    <amount currencyCode=""/>
  <priceline type="SHIPPING">
    <amount currencyCode="USD">0.0</amount>
  <priceline type="DISCOUNT">
    <amount currencyCode="USD">0.0</amount>
  <sumtotal currencyCode="USD">9.99</sumtotal>


CSV: orderSumTotal

XML: total.sumtotal

The current cost for the order based on one or more costs/discounts shown in one or more priceLine elements/fields

CSV: orderSumTotalCurrency

XML: currencyCode attribute of total.sumtotal

The currency used for the current cost of the order. Valid currency codes:

  • USD
  • CAD
  • GBP
  • AUD
  • EUR
  • RUB

CSV: orderPaymentStatus

XML: status.paymentStatus

The current payment status of the order. Valid values:

  • FAILED: The buyer attempted to pay for the order but the payment wasn’t processed successfully
  • PAID: The buyer has paid the entire balance for the order
  • PARTIALLY_PAID: The buyer has paid for a portion of the order, but there’s still an unpaid balance
  • PENDING: Payment has been initiated by the buyer, but the payment hasn’t yet cleared
  • UNPAID: The buyer has yet to pay for the order

CSV: orderLogisticsStatus

XML: status.logisticsStatus

Updates the status of the order. Valid values:

  • PICKED_UP: Indicates that the buyer has picked up an In-Store Pickup order. This is typically a status update that you send for eBay's records.
  • READY_FOR_PICKUP: Indicates that the In-Store Pickup order is ready to be picked up by the buyer.
  • SHIPPED: Indicates the order has been shipped. This is typically the value that is used when the seller is providing the buyer with shipment tracking information

CSV: shipmentTrackingNumber



The tracking number of the shipment. This will be returned if available

CSV: note

XML: order.note

Contains a note about the order

CSV: guaranteedDelivery

XML: lineItem.guaranteedDelivery

This field is deprecated since eBay Guaranteed Delivery is no longer a supported feature.

CSV: buyerTaxId

XML: taxInformation.taxId

This value is the actual tax ID for the buyer. The type of tax ID is shown in the buyerTaxIdType field.

CSV: buyerTaxIdIssuingCountry

XML: taxInformation.issuingCountry

The country that issued the buyer's tax ID. This field's value will be an ISO 3166-1 two-digit code that represents the issuing country.

CSV: buyerTaxIdType

XML: taxInformation.taxIdType

This enumeration value identifies the type of tax ID that was supplied by the buyer during the checkout process. See Tax ID type enumerated values for list of valid values.

CSV: SalesRecordID

XML: lineItem.salesRecordID

This is the Selling Manager Sales Record Number.

CSV: PaymentMethod

XML: payment.paymentMethod

The payment method that the buyer selected to pay for the order.

Note: The PaymentMethod field is not always exposed to the seller since eBay handles payment from the buyer. And if a payment method is returned, it may not be accurate.

CSV: externalTransactionID

XML: payment.externalTransactionID

This field is deprecated, and can be ignored if returned

CSV: eBayCollectedTax

XML: lineItem.eBayCollectedTax container

eBay is required to collect and remit the taxes directly from the buyers in certain situations.

eBay is responsible for collecting and remitting internet sales tax (IST) for many US states and also collects and remits goods and services taxes (GST) for many items that ship to Australia and New Zealand.

When eBay collects taxes from the buyer, the collected tax container will include:

  • imposition The tax type / reason for tax (e.g., SalesTax or GST)
  • description A description of the tax
  • amount The tax amount
  • currency The currency used to calculate tax (USD, etc.)
  • collectionMethod - reserved for future use
  • TotalIncludesEBayCollectedTax (CSV)
    totalIncludesEBayCollectedTax (XML)
    A Boolean (true, false) indicator for whether or not the order total includes the tax amount collected by eBay in situations where eBay collects and remits taxes on behalf of sellers. Returns true to indicate that the full payment, including taxes, went to the seller’s PayPal account and that PayPal automatically deducted the taxes. Returns false to indicate that the seller is opted in to managed payments and eBay has removed the tax prior to putting the payment in the seller’s managed payments account and the order total will not include the collected taxes

CSV sample

"amount":"0.94", "currency":"USD","collectionMethod":"NET",

XML sample

  <eBayReference name="IOSS"> IM2****00742 </eBayReference>
    <amount currencyCode="USD">0.74</amount>

CSV: eBayReferenceName

XML: name attribute of eBayCollectedTax.eBayReference

The VAT ID for eBay, returned if VAT tax is applicable for the order. This value may vary based on the region or country. The eBayReference contains a name attribute which indicates the type of VAT ID. This string value will be one of the following:

  • ABN: an eBay Australia tax number Number

  • IOSS: an eBay EU or UK IOSS number

  • IRD: an eBay New Zealand tax number

  • OSS: an eBay Germany VAT ID

  • VOEC: an eBay Norway tax number

CSV: eBayReferenceId

XML: eBayCollectedTax.eBayReference

eBayCollectedTax reference ID

CSV: linkedLineItem

XML: order.linkedLineItem

Note: Information is only returned in this field if the corresponding order has one or more linked line items; otherwise null (empty). CSV always returns this column with either information in JSON format or null. XML only returns information if the corresponding order has one or more linked line items, otherwise the entire container is not returned.

If the order has one or more linked line items, this field contains

  • orderID The unique identifier of the order to which the linked line item belongs.

  • orderLineItemID The unique identifier of the linked order line item. For example, the order line item ID of the tire.

  • sellerUserID The eBay user ID of the seller who sold the linked line item. For example, the user ID of the tire seller.

  • title This field is used to specify the title of the listing. If a listing is on hold, the itemID of the listing is returned instead of the title.

  • estimatedDeliveryTimeMin This field indicates the original estimated window during which delivery can be expected. This value indicates the earliest date and time to receive the order.

  • estimatedDeliveryTimeMax This field indicates the original estimated window during which delivery can be expected. This value indicates the latest date and time to receive the order.

  • itemSpecifics This field contains a list of Item Specific Name/Value pairs used by the seller to provide descriptive details of an item in a structured manner. For tires, the item specifics name-value pairs may include:

    • Manufacturer Part Number
    • Tire Type
    • Overall Diameter
    • UPC
    • Quantity
    • Section Width
    • Rim Diameter
    • Aspect Ratio
    • Brand
    • Load Index
    • Car Type
    • Speed Index
    • Tire Sizing System

See Separate orders can be linked for use and the following examples for the expected structure, name/value pairs, and delimiters (CSV).

CSV sample

{"orderID":"02-00049-10334","orderLineItemID":"120031143647-15998937002","sellerUserID":"pna_seller_us","title":"Tires Category_179680_ZIP-95125_LotSize-1-rim-16-96464_US","estimatedDeliveryTimeMin":"2023-08-02T07:00:00.842Z","estimatedDeliveryTimeMax":"2023-08-09T07:00:00.842Z","itemSpecifics":[\{"Name":"Manufacturer Part Number","Value":"Does Not Apply"},{"Name":"Tire Type","Value":"All Season"},{"Name":"Overall Diameter","Value":"20"},{"Name":"UPC","Value":"Does not apply"},{"Name":"Quantity","Value":"1"},{"Name":"Section Width","Value":"8"},{"Name":"Rim Diameter","Value":"16"},{"Name":"Aspect Ratio","Value":"30"},{"Name":"Brand","Value":"American"},{"Name":"Load Index","Value":"63"},{"Name":"Car Type","Value":"Passenger/Performance"},{"Name":"Speed Index","Value":"J"},{"Name":"Tire Sizing System","Value":"Passenger"}]}

XML sample

Tires Category_179680_ZIP-95125_LotSize-1-rim-16-96464_US
    <name>Manufacturer Part Number</name>
    <value>Does Not Apply</value>
    <name>Tire Type</name>
    <value>All Season</value>
    <name>Overall Diameter</name>
    <value>Does not apply</value>
    <name>Section Width</name>
    <name>Rim Diameter</name>
    <name>Aspect Ratio</name>
    <name>Load Index</name>
    <name>Car Type</name>
    <name>Speed Index</name>
    <name>Tire Sizing System</name>


Use of the shipping fields is different for CSV and XML.

CSV address-related fields

For direct shipping: The buyerAddressID through buyerCountry fields (including the associated columns between), are returned for direct shipping to the buyer.

Note: The seller ships the item to the shipToAddressID address in the case of multi-leg shipments, and a third party partner is responsible for shipping to final destination (finalDestinationAddressID, finalDestinationAddressName, finalDestinationAddressPhone, and related columns).

For multi-leg shipping: The shipToAddressID through shipToCountry fields, and finalDestinationAddressID through finalDestinationCountry fields, are returned for multi-leg shipments. For these multi-leg shipments, the shipTo fields are associated with first leg, and the finalDestination fields are associated with final leg.

XML address-related fields

For direct shipping: The shipToAddress container is returned consisting of fields for direct shipping to the buyer.

Note: The seller ships the item to the shipToAddress container's address in the case of multi-leg shipments, and a third party partner is responsible for shipping to final destination (finalDestinationAddress container).

For multi-leg shipping: The shipToAddress container, and the finalDestinationAddress container are returned for multi-leg shipments. For these multi-leg shipments, the shipToAddress container is associated with first leg, and the finalDestinationAddress container is associated with the final leg.

Separate orders can be linked

Limited information from separate linked orders, which may be from different sellers, can be returned through the order report. The information can provide details about a component (purchased from one seller) needed for its installation (purchased from a different seller). Details can identify the linked seller and also include delivery times, item information, and order information.

For example, if a tire order is linked to a separate order for installation, limited information about the tire order is available in the installation order:

  • order number

  • shipping information (including shipping service*, estimated ship date)

  • tire seller name, tire listing title, and tire specifications including (wheel diameter, aspect ratio, section width, and other similar aspects)

  • buyer email and phone number (this can help with scheduling appointments)*

* These fields, if available, appear in other areas of the order report (not in linkedLineItem). For a example, shipping service would be found under shippingServiceName for CSV, and logisticsPlan.shipping.shippingService for XML.


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