XML Reference for Sell Feed LMS Feed TypesVersion 1355

XML Payload Reference

This reference describes the elements and attributes for the resources used within LMS feed type data files. Included are Fulfillment upload and report download request payloads and Inventory upload request payloads.

Note: When sending these requests, you must provide an XML declaration (for example, <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>) and the objects must be contained within a BulkDataExchangeRequests container (<BulkDataExchangeRequests>...</BulkDataExchangeRequests>). See XML data files overview for additional information.

Note: SOAP is not a supported format for the information within LMS feed type data files.

Note: The requests in the following tables can be used as the 'payload' information within the XML files that are uploaded or downloaded. The Fulfillment upload and report download request payloads cannot be invoked on their own, but the Trading APIs calls contained in the table in Inventory upload request payloads can be invoked individually as trading calls.

Additional resources are available for this API. Please see the eBay Developer Documentation Center.

Fulfillment upload and report download request payloads

Refer to Fulfillment upload feed types flow and Report download feed types flow for usage information on these payloads.

Fulfillment upload and report download request payloads
XML request LMS feed type Summary Samples
ActiveInventoryReport LMS_ACTIVE_INVENTORY_REPORT A report that contains price and quantity information for all of a seller's listings that match the specified filter criteria. A seller can use this information to maintain their inventory on eBay. view
OrderAck LMS_ORDER_ACK Request that acknowledges that an order or an order line item has been received. This feed type can acknowledge an entire order or a single line item within an multiple line item order. view
OrderReport LMS_ORDER_REPORT A report that contains detailed information on all unacknowledged orders, and all unacknowledged line items in each order from the past 30 days. It can be configured using createOrderTask to have a smaller window like one week or one day. view
SetShipmentTrackingInfo LMS_SET_SHIPMENT_TRACKING_INFO Specifies the shipment tracking information associated with one package of an order, or marks an order as paid or shipped. If multiple packages are required for the order, a separate object must be made for each package. view

Inventory upload request payloads

The following table lists calls from the eBay Trading API that can be used in data files (as request types) for use with LMS feed types. Refer to Inventory upload feed types flow for usage information on these payloads.

Note: When sending these calls as requests for LMS feed type data files, you must provide an XML declaration (<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>) and the objects must be contained within a BulkDataExchangeRequests container (e.g., <BulkDataExchangeRequests>...</BulkDataExchangeRequests>). See XML data files overview for additional information. Note: Use the Trading API's call UploadSiteHostedPictures to individually upload a picture to the eBay Picture Service and return a URL of the picture. UploadSiteHostedPictures cannot be used in an inventory upload request payload.
Inventory upload request payloads
Trading API request type Product Summary Trading sample
AddFixedPriceItem Trading API Defines new fixed-price item(s) and lists them on a specified eBay site. This feed type only supports fixed-price items (single and multiple variations). view
AddItem Trading API Defines a new item and lists it on a specified eBay site. This feed type supports different listing formats, but does not support multiple variations (see the LMS_ADD_FIXED_PRICE_ITEM feedType and the AddFixedPriceItem call). view
EndFixedPriceItem Trading API Ends the specified item listing before the date and time at which it would normally end (for example, when the quantity goes to 0). view
EndItem Trading API Ends the specified item listing before the date and time at which it would normally end (per the listing duration or when the quantity of a fixed-price listing goes to 0). view
RelistFixedPriceItem Trading API Enables a seller to take a fixed-price item that ended and relist it on a specified eBay site. An item may be relisted with the same item properties as the original listing, or the seller may change a number of the item's defining properties at relisting time. The new listing will have a different item ID than the original one. view
RelistItem Trading API Enables a seller to relist a listing that has recently ended on a specified eBay site. A seller has up to 90 days to relist an ended listing. When an item is relisted, it will receive a new ItemID value, but this item will remain on other users' Watch Lists after it is relisted. view
ReviseFixedPriceItem Trading API Use to revise one or more fields in the listing, even after one of the items in the listing has been purchased. See Job Description (left column) for information. To revise multiple listings, include a ReviseFixedPriceItem request once for each item or listing in your data file, with new information for each item or listing. view
ReviseInventoryStatus Trading API Use to modify the price and quantity of listings. view
ReviseItem Trading API Enables a seller to change the properties of a currently active listing. This feed type supports support different listing formats, but does not support multiple-variation listings. view
VerifyAddFixedPriceItem Trading API Acknowledges that the data for a new fixed-price item matches the schema without creating an actual listing. view
VerifyAddItem Trading API Enables a seller to specify the definition of a new item and submit the definition to eBay without creating a listing. view