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Getting the error 2191111 (Invalid shipment tracking number or carrier) for the CompleteSale call.
Detailed Description
There can be several reasons for the Error 2191111 (Invalid shipment tracking number or carrier) but one of the reasons can be using the ShipmentTrackingDetails container incorrectly.
When you submit the ShippingCarrierUsed field in the request, you must also supply a value for ShipmentTrackingNumber. When you submit ShipmentTrackingNumber, you must also supply a value for ShippingCarrierUsed otherwise you will get the error 2191111 for the call.
If the seller does not want to provide any tracking details and only wants to update the ShippedTime for the orders, you can ignore the ShipmentTrackingDetails container in the request.
Sample CompleteSale request for the issue:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<CompleteSaleRequest xmlns="urn:ebay:apis:eBLBaseComponents">
<ShippedTime>2024-05-31 12:14:46</ShippedTime>
Here seller has not provided the value for ShipmentTrackingNumber field while provided the value for ShippingCarrierUsed field:
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