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The type that defines the fields for the estimated item availability information.

Types that use EstimatedAvailability


Calls that use EstimatedAvailability


This field is return only when the seller sets their 'display item quantity' preference to Display "More than 10 available" in your listing (if applicable). The value of this field will be "10", which is the threshold value.

Code so that your app gracefully handles any future changes to this value.
This field is return only when the seller sets their Display Item Quantity preference to Display "More than 10 available" in your listing (if applicable). The value of this field will be MORE_THAN. This indicates that the seller has more than the 'quantity display preference', which is 10, in stock for this item.

The following are the display item quantity preferences the seller can set.
  • Display "More than 10 available" in your listing (if applicable)
    • If the seller enables this preference, this field is returned as long as there are more than 10 of this item in inventory.
    • If the quantity is equal to 10 or drops below 10, this field is not returned and the estimated quantity of the item is returned in the estimatedAvailableQuantity field.
  • Display the exact quantity in your items
    If the seller enables this preference, the availabilityThresholdType and availabilityThreshold fields are not returned and the estimated quantity of the item is returned in the estimatedAvailableQuantity field.

    Note: Because the quantity of an item can change several times within a second, it is impossible to return the exact quantity.

Code so that your app gracefully handles any future changes to these preferences.
An array of available delivery options.


Code so that your app gracefully handles any future changes to this list.
An enumeration value representing the inventory status of this item.

Note: Be sure to review the itemEndDate field to determine whether the item is available for purchase.


Code so that your app gracefully handles any future changes to this list.
The estimated number of this item that are available for purchase. Because the quantity of an item can change several times within a second, it is impossible to return the exact quantity. So instead of returning quantity, the estimated availability of the item is returned.

Note: To see if a listing is available for purchase, review the itemEndDate and estimatedAvailablityStatus fields. If the item has an EndDate in the past, or the estimatedAvailabilityStatus is OUT_OF_STOCK, the item is unavailable for purchase.
The estimated number of this item that are available for purchase. Because the quantity of an item can change several times within a second, it is impossible to return the exact quantity. So instead of returning quantity, the estimated availability of the item is returned.

Note: To see if a listing is available for purchase, review the itemEndDate and estimatedAvailablityStatus fields. If the item has an EndDate in the past, or the estimatedAvailabilityStatus is OUT_OF_STOCK, the item is unavailable for purchase.
The estimated number of this item that have been sold.

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