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This method retrieves details about individual items in an item group. An item group is an item that has various aspect differences, such as color, size, storage capacity, etc.

You pass in the item_group_id as a URI parameter.

This method returns two main containers:

  • items
    This container has an array of containers with the details about each item in the group.
  • commonDescriptions
    This container has an array of containers for a description and the item_ids for all items that have this exact description. Because items within an item group often have the same description, this decreases the size of the response.
Setting the fieldgroup to ADDITIONAL_SELLER_DETAILS adds an additional field to the response that returns the seller's user ID. For more information, refer to fieldgroups.


For a list of supported sites and other restrictions, refer to API Restrictions.

eBay Partner Network: In order to be commissioned for your sales, you must use the URL returned in the itemAffiliateWebUrl field to forward your buyer to the site.


Resource URI


This method is supported in Sandbox environment. To access the endpoint, just replace the root URI with

URI parameters

fieldgroupsarray of stringThis field controls what is returned in the response. If this field is not set, the method returns all details about the item.

Valid Values:

ADDITIONAL_SELLER_DETAILS - This field group adds the userId field to the response.

Occurrence: Optional

item_group_idstringThis query parameter specifies the unique identifier of an item group for which information is to be returned. An item group is an item that has various aspect differences, such as color, size, storage capacity, etc.

This ID is returned in the itemGroupHref field of the search and getItem methods.

For Example:**********6

Occurrence: Required

HTTP request headers

All requests made to eBay REST operations require you to provide the Authorization HTTP header for authentication authorization.

The table below shows additional HTTP request headers that are either required, conditionally required, or strongly recommended for this method. Other standard HTTP request headers- opens rest request components page (not in this table) can also be used, but they are optional.

Accept-LanguagestringThis header is used to indicate the natural language and locale preferred by the user for the response.

This header is required when targeting a specific locale of a marketplace that supports multiple locales. For example:
  • When targeting the French locale of the Belgium marketplace, it is required to pass in fr-BE to specify this. If this locale is not specified, the language will default to Dutch.
  • When targeting the French locale of the Canadian marketplace, it is required to pass in fr-CA to specify this. If this locale is not specified, the language will default to English.

Occurrence: Conditional

X-EBAY-C-ENDUSERCTXstringThis header is required to support revenue sharing for eBay Partner Network and to improve the accuracy of shipping and delivery time estimations.

For additional information, refer to Use request headers in the Buying Integration Guide.

Occurrence: Optional

X-EBAY-C-MARKETPLACE-IDstringThis header identifies the seller's eBay marketplace. It is required for all marketplaces outside of the US.

Note: If a marketplace ID value is not provided, the default value of EBAY_US is used.
See MarketplaceIdEnum for a list of supported marketplaces.

Occurrence: Strongly Recommended

OAuth scope

This request requires an access token created with the client credentials grant flow, using one or more scopes from the following list (please check your Application Keys page for a list of OAuth scopes available to your application):

See OAuth access tokens for more information.

Request payload

This call has no payload.

Request fields

This call has no field definitions.


HTTP response headers

This call has no response headers.

Response payload

{ /* ItemGroup */
"items" : [
{ /* Item */
"additionalImages" : [
{ /* Image */ }
"brand" : "string",
"color" : "string",
"epid" : "string",
"gender" : "string",
"gtin" : "string",
"image" :
{ /* Image */ },
"itemId" : "string",
"mpn" : "string",
"size" : "string",
"title" : "string",

Response fields

Output container/fieldTypeDescription
commonDescriptionsarray of CommonDescriptions

An array of containers for a description and the item IDs of all the items that have this exact description. Often the item variations within an item group all have the same description. Instead of repeating this description in the item details of each item, a description that is shared by at least one other item is returned in this container. If the description is unique, it is returned in the items.description field.

Occurrence: Conditional


The item description that is used by more than one of the item variations.

Occurrence: Conditional

commonDescriptions.itemIdsarray of string

A list of item ids that have this description.

Occurrence: Conditional

itemsarray of Item

An array of containers for all the item variation details, excluding the description.

Occurrence: Conditional

items.additionalImagesarray of Image

An array of containers with the URLs for the images that are in addition to the primary image. The primary image is returned in the image.imageUrl field.

Occurrence: Conditional


Reserved for future use.

Occurrence: Conditional


The URL of the image.

Occurrence: Always


Reserved for future use.

Occurrence: Conditional

items.addonServicesarray of AddonService

A list of add-on services that may be selected for the item or that may apply automatically.

Occurrence: Conditional


This field indicates whether the add-on service must be selected for the item.

Occurrence: Conditional


The amount charged for the add-on service.

Occurrence: Conditional


The three-letter ISO 4217 code representing the currency of the amount in the convertedFromValue field. This value is required or returned only if currency conversion/localization is required, and represents the pre-conversion currency.

Occurrence: Conditional


The monetary amount before any conversion is performed, in the currency specified by the convertedFromCurrency field. This value is required or returned only if currency conversion/localization is required. The value field contains the converted amount of this value, in the currency specified by the currency field.

Occurrence: Conditional


The three-letter ISO 4217 code representing the currency of the amount in the value field. If currency conversion/localization is required, this is the post-conversion currency of the amount in the value field.

Default: The currency of the authenticated user's country.

Occurrence: Conditional


The monetary amount in the currency specified by the currency field. If currency conversion/localization is required, this value is the converted amount, and the convertedFromValue field contains the amount in the original currency.

Occurrence: Conditional


The ID number of the add-on service.

Occurrence: Conditional


The type of add-on service, such as AUTHENTICITY_GUARANTEE.

Occurrence: Conditional


This indicates if the item is for adults only. For more information about adult-only items on eBay, see Adult items policy for sellers and Adult-Only items on eBay for buyers.

Occurrence: Always


(Primary Item Aspect) The age group for which the product is recommended. For example, newborn, infant, toddler, kids, adult, etc. All the item aspects, including this aspect, are returned in the localizedAspects container.

Occurrence: Conditional


A container for information about whether an item, or the item group when returned for the getItemsByItemGroup method, is qualified for the Authenticity Guarantee program.

Note: The AUTHENTICITY_GUARANTEE value being returned by the getItemsByItemGroup method indicates that at least one item in the item group supports this program, but doesn't guarantee that the program is available to all items in the item group. To verify if the Authenticity Program is indeed available for the item that you are interested in, grab the items.itemId value for that item and use the getItem method. This method will return specific details on that particular item, including whether or not the Authenticity Guarantee Program is available for the item. Look for the qualifiedPrograms array and authenticityGuarantee container in the getItem response for this information.

Under the Authenticity Guarantee program, the seller ships a purchased item to a a third-party authenticator who inspects the item and provides an authentication card for it before the item is shipped to the buyer. If the buyer returns the item, the authenticator first verifies that it is the same item in the same condition before returning it to the seller.

Note: Refer to the Authenticity Guarantee page for more information.

Occurrence: Conditional


An indication that the item is qualified for the Authenticity Guarantee program.

Occurrence: Conditional


The URL to the Authenticity Guarantee program terms of use.

Occurrence: Conditional


A container for information about whether an item is from a verified seller.

Occurrence: Conditional


An indication that the item is from a verified seller.

Occurrence: Conditional


The URL to the Authenticity Verification program terms of use.

Occurrence: Conditional

items.availableCouponsarray of AvailableCoupon

A list of available coupons for the item.

Note: The Browse API only acknowledges item-level coupons. This array will only return coupons linked with an item. Store-level coupons offered by sellers across their entire store will not be returned.

Occurrence: Conditional


The limitations or restrictions of the coupon.

Occurrence: Conditional


This timestamp provides the expiration date of the coded coupon.

Occurrence: Conditional


The discount amount after the coupon is applied.

Occurrence: Conditional


The list of valid currencies. Each ISO 4217 currency code includes the currency name followed by the numeric value.

For example, the Canadian Dollar code (CAD) would take the following form: Canadian Dollar, 124.

Occurrence: Conditional


The value of the discounted amount.

Occurrence: Conditional


The type of discount that the coupon applies.

Occurrence: Conditional


A description of the coupon.

Note: The value returned in the termsWebUrl field should appear for all experiences when displaying coupons. The value in the availableCoupons.message field must also be included if returned in the API response.

Occurrence: Conditional


The coupon code.

Occurrence: Conditional


The URL to the coupon terms of use.

Note: The value returned in the termsWebUrl field should appear for all experiences when displaying coupons. The value in the availableCoupons.message field must also be included if returned in the API response.

Occurrence: Conditional


This integer value indicates the total number of bids that have been placed against an auction item. This field is returned only for auction items.

Occurrence: Conditional


(Primary Item Aspect) The name brand of the item, such as Nike, Apple, etc. All the item aspects, including this aspect, are returned in the localizedAspects container.

Occurrence: Conditional

items.buyingOptionsarray of string

A comma separated list of all the purchase options available for the item. The values returned are:

  • FIXED_PRICE - Indicates the buyer can purchase the item for a set price using the Buy It Now button.
  • AUCTION - Indicates the buyer can place a bid for the item. After the first bid is placed, this becomes a live auction item and is the only buying option for this item.
  • BEST_OFFER - Indicates the buyer can send the seller a price they're willing to pay for the item. The seller can accept, reject, or send a counter offer. For more information on how this works, see Making a Best Offer.
  • CLASSIFIED_AD - Indicates that the final sales transaction is to be completed outside of the eBay environment.
Code so that your app gracefully handles any future changes to this list.

Occurrence: Conditional


The ID of the leaf category for this item. A leaf category is the lowest level in that category and has no children.

Occurrence: Always


The IDs of every category in the item path, separated by pipe characters, starting with the top level parent category.

For example, if an item belongs to the top level category Home and Garden (category ID 11700), followed by Home Improvement (159907), Heating, Cooling and Air (69197), and Thermostats (115947), the field would return the value: 11700|159907|69197|115947.

Occurrence: Always


Text that shows the category hierarchy of the item. For example: Computers/Tablets & Networking, Laptops & Netbooks, PC Laptops & Netbooks

Occurrence: Always


(Primary Item Aspect) Text describing the color of the item. All the item aspects, including this aspect, are returned in the localizedAspects container.

Occurrence: Conditional


A short text description for the condition of the item, such as New or Used. For a list of condition names, see Item Condition IDs and Names.

Code so that your app gracefully handles any future changes to this list.

Occurrence: Conditional


A full text description for the condition of the item. This field elaborates on the value specified in the condition field and provides full details for the condition of the item.

Occurrence: Conditional

items.conditionDescriptorsarray of ConditionDescriptor

This array is used by the seller to provide additional information about the condition of an item in a structured format. Condition descriptors are name-value attributes that indicate details about a particular condition of an item.

Note: Condition descriptors are currently only available for the following trading card categories:

  • Non-Sport Trading Card Singles
  • CCG Individual Cards
  • Sports Trading Card Singles

Occurrence: Conditional


The name of a condition descriptor. The value(s) for this condition descriptor is returned in the associated values array.

Occurrence: Conditional

items.conditionDescriptors.valuesarray of ConditionDescriptorValue

This array displays the value(s) for a condition descriptor (denoted by the associated name field), as well as any other additional information about the condition of the item.

Occurrence: Conditional

items.conditionDescriptors.values.additionalInfoarray of string

Additional information about the condition of an item as it relates to a condition descriptor. This array elaborates on the value specified in the content field and provides additional details about the condition of an item.

Occurrence: Conditional


The value for the condition descriptor indicated in the associated name field.

Occurrence: Conditional


The identifier of the condition of the item. For example, 1000 is the identifier for NEW. For a list of condition names and IDs, see Item Condition IDs and Names.

Code so that your app gracefully handles any future changes to this list.

Occurrence: Conditional


The container that returns the current highest bid for an auction item. The value (string) field shows the dollar value of the current highest bid, and the currency (3-digit ISO code) field denotes the currency associated with that bid value. This container will only be returned for auction items.

Occurrence: Conditional


The three-letter ISO 4217 code representing the currency of the amount in the convertedFromValue field. This value is required or returned only if currency conversion/localization is required, and represents the pre-conversion currency.

Occurrence: Conditional


The monetary amount before any conversion is performed, in the currency specified by the convertedFromCurrency field. This value is required or returned only if currency conversion/localization is required. The value field contains the converted amount of this value, in the currency specified by the currency field.

Occurrence: Conditional


The three-letter ISO 4217 code representing the currency of the amount in the value field. If currency conversion/localization is required, this is the post-conversion currency of the amount in the value field.

Default: The currency of the authenticated user's country.

Occurrence: Conditional


The monetary amount in the currency specified by the currency field. If currency conversion/localization is required, this value is the converted amount, and the convertedFromValue field contains the amount in the original currency.

Occurrence: Conditional


The full description of the item that was created by the seller. This can be plain text or rich content and can be very large.

Occurrence: Always


The Eco Participation fee, a fee paid by the buyer that is applied to the cost of the eventual disposal of the purchased item. The fee is remitted in full to the eco organization.

Currently, this value is required for electronic devices and furniture.

Occurrence: Conditional


The three-letter ISO 4217 code representing the currency of the amount in the convertedFromValue field. This value is required or returned only if currency conversion/localization is required, and represents the pre-conversion currency.

Occurrence: Conditional


The monetary amount before any conversion is performed, in the currency specified by the convertedFromCurrency field. This value is required or returned only if currency conversion/localization is required. The value field contains the converted amount of this value, in the currency specified by the currency field.

Occurrence: Conditional


The three-letter ISO 4217 code representing the currency of the amount in the value field. If currency conversion/localization is required, this is the post-conversion currency of the amount in the value field.

Default: The currency of the authenticated user's country.

Occurrence: Conditional


The monetary amount in the currency specified by the currency field. If currency conversion/localization is required, this value is the converted amount, and the convertedFromValue field contains the amount in the original currency.

Occurrence: Conditional


This field indicates if the item can be purchased using the Buy Order API.

  • If the value of this field is true, this indicates that the item can be purchased using the Order API.
  • If the value of this field is false, this indicates that the item cannot be purchased using the Order API and must be purchased on the eBay site.

Occurrence: Always


This indicates if the item can be purchased using Guest Checkout in the Order API. You can use this flag to exclude items from your inventory that are not eligible for Guest Checkout, such as gift cards.

Occurrence: Always


This indicates the European energy efficiency rating (EEK) of the item. This field is returned only if the seller specified the energy efficiency rating.

The rating is a set of energy efficiency classes from A to G, where 'A' is the most energy efficient and 'G' is the least efficient. This rating helps buyers choose between various models.

When the manufacturer's specifications for this item are available, the link to this information is returned in the productFicheWebUrl field.

Occurrence: Conditional


An EPID is the eBay product identifier of a product from the eBay product catalog. This indicates the product in which the item belongs.

Occurrence: Conditional

items.estimatedAvailabilitiesarray of EstimatedAvailability

The estimated number of this item that are available for purchase. Because the quantity of an item can change several times within a second, it is impossible to return the exact quantity. So instead of returning quantity, the estimated availability of the item is returned.

Occurrence: Conditional


This field is return only when the seller sets their 'display item quantity' preference to Display "More than 10 available" in your listing (if applicable). The value of this field will be "10", which is the threshold value.

Code so that your app gracefully handles any future changes to this value.

Occurrence: Conditional


This field is return only when the seller sets their Display Item Quantity preference to Display "More than 10 available" in your listing (if applicable). The value of this field will be MORE_THAN. This indicates that the seller has more than the 'quantity display preference', which is 10, in stock for this item.

The following are the display item quantity preferences the seller can set.

  • Display "More than 10 available" in your listing (if applicable)
    • If the seller enables this preference, this field is returned as long as there are more than 10 of this item in inventory.
    • If the quantity is equal to 10 or drops below 10, this field is not returned and the estimated quantity of the item is returned in the estimatedAvailableQuantity field.
  • Display the exact quantity in your items
    If the seller enables this preference, the availabilityThresholdType and availabilityThreshold fields are not returned and the estimated quantity of the item is returned in the estimatedAvailableQuantity field.

    Note: Because the quantity of an item can change several times within a second, it is impossible to return the exact quantity.

Code so that your app gracefully handles any future changes to these preferences.

Occurrence: Conditional

items.estimatedAvailabilities.deliveryOptionsarray of DeliveryOptionsEnum

An array of available delivery options.


Code so that your app gracefully handles any future changes to this list.

Occurrence: Conditional


An enumeration value representing the inventory status of this item.

Note: Be sure to review the itemEndDate field to determine whether the item is available for purchase.


Code so that your app gracefully handles any future changes to this list.

Occurrence: Conditional


The estimated number of this item that are available for purchase. Because the quantity of an item can change several times within a second, it is impossible to return the exact quantity. So instead of returning quantity, the estimated availability of the item is returned.

Note: To see if a listing is available for purchase, review the itemEndDate and estimatedAvailablityStatus fields. If the item has an EndDate in the past, or the estimatedAvailabilityStatus is OUT_OF_STOCK, the item is unavailable for purchase.

Occurrence: Conditional


The estimated number of this item that are available for purchase. Because the quantity of an item can change several times within a second, it is impossible to return the exact quantity. So instead of returning quantity, the estimated availability of the item is returned.

Note: To see if a listing is available for purchase, review the itemEndDate and estimatedAvailablityStatus fields. If the item has an EndDate in the past, or the estimatedAvailabilityStatus is OUT_OF_STOCK, the item is unavailable for purchase.

Occurrence: Conditional


The estimated number of this item that have been sold.

Occurrence: Conditional


(Primary Item Aspect) The gender for the item. This is used for items that could vary by gender, such as clothing. For example: male, female, or unisex. All the item aspects, including this aspect, are returned in the localizedAspects container.

Occurrence: Conditional


The unique Global Trade Item number of the item as defined by This can be a UPC (Universal Product Code), EAN (European Article Number), or an ISBN (International Standard Book Number) value.

Occurrence: Conditional


Hazardous materials labels for the item.

Occurrence: Conditional


Additional information about the hazardous materials labels.

Occurrence: Conditional

items.hazardousMaterialsLabels.pictogramsarray of HazardPictogram

An array of hazard pictograms that apply to the item.

Occurrence: Conditional


The description of the hazard pictogram, such as Flammable.

Occurrence: Conditional


The ID of the hazard pictogram.

Occurrence: Conditional


The URL of the hazard pictogram.

Occurrence: Conditional


The signal word for the hazardous materials label (such as Danger or Warning).

Occurrence: Conditional


The ID of the signal word for the hazardous materials label.

Occurrence: Conditional

items.hazardousMaterialsLabels.statementsarray of HazardStatement

An array of hazard statements for the item.

Occurrence: Conditional


A description of the nature of the hazard, such as whether the material is toxic if swallowed.

Occurrence: Conditional


The ID of the hazard statement.

Occurrence: Conditional


The URL of the primary image of the item. The other images of the item are returned in the additionalImages container.

Occurrence: Always


Reserved for future use.

Occurrence: Conditional


The URL of the image.

Occurrence: Always


Reserved for future use.

Occurrence: Conditional


The ePID (eBay Product ID of a product from the eBay product catalog) for the item, which has been programmatically determined by eBay using the item's title, aspects, and other data.

If the seller provided an ePID for the item, the seller's value is returned in the epid field.

Note: This field is returned only for authorized Partners.

Occurrence: Conditional


The URL to the View Item page of the item which includes the affiliate tracking ID.

Note: In order to receive commissions on sales, eBay Partner Network affiliates must use this URL to forward buyers to the listing on the eBay marketplace.
The itemAffiliateWebUrl is only returned if:

  • The marketplace through which the item is being viewed is part of the eBay Partner Network. Currently Singapore (EBAY_SG) is not supported.

    For additional information, refer to eBay Partner Network.
  • The seller enables affiliate tracking for the item by including the X-EBAY-C-ENDUSERCTX request header in the method.

Occurrence: Conditional


A timestamp that indicates the date and time an item listing was created.

This value is returned in UTC format (yyyy-MM-ddThh:mm:ss.sssZ), which can be converted into the local time of the buyer.

Occurrence: Conditional


This timestamp indicates the date and time up to which the item can be purchased. This value is returned in UTC format (yyyy-MM-ddThh:mm:ss.sssZ), which you can convert into the local time of the buyer.

Note: This field is only returned for auction listings.

Occurrence: Conditional


The unique RESTful identifier of the item.

Occurrence: Always


The physical location of the item.

Occurrence: Conditional


The first line of the street address.

Note: This is conditionally returned in the itemLocation field.

Occurrence: Conditional


The second line of the street address. This field is not always used, but can be used for "Suite Number" or "Apt Number".

Occurrence: Conditional


The city of the address.

Occurrence: Always


The two-letter ISO 3166 standard code for the country of the address.

Occurrence: Always


The county of the address.

Occurrence: Conditional


The postal code (or zip code in US) code of the address. Sellers set a postal code (or zip code in US) for items when they are listed. The postal code is used for calculating proximity searches. It is anonymized when returned in itemLocation.postalCode via the API.

Occurrence: Conditional


The state or province of the address.

Note: This is conditionally returned in the itemLocation field.

Occurrence: Conditional


The URL of the View Item page of the item. This enables you to include a "Report Item on eBay" link that takes the buyer to the View Item page on eBay. From there they can report any issues regarding this item to eBay.

Occurrence: Always


The unique identifier of the eBay listing that contains the item. This is the traditional/legacy ID that is often seen in the URL of the listing View Item page.

Occurrence: Always


The ID of the eBay marketplace where the item is listed.

Occurrence: Always

items.localizedAspectsarray of TypedNameValue

An array of containers that show the complete list of the aspect name/value pairs that describe the variation of the item.

Occurrence: Conditional


The text representing the name of the aspect for the name/value pair, such as Color.

Occurrence: Conditional


This indicates if the value being returned is a string or an array of values.

Valid Values:

  • STRING - Indicates the value returned is a string.
  • STRING_ARRAY - Indicates the value returned is an array of strings.
Code so that your app gracefully handles any future changes to this list.

Occurrence: Conditional


The value of the aspect for the name/value pair, such as Red.

Occurrence: Conditional


The number of items in a lot. In other words, a lot size is the number of items that are being sold together.

A lot is a set of two or more items included in a single listing that must be purchased together in a single order line item. All the items in the lot are the same but there can be multiple items in a single lot, such as the package of batteries shown in the example below.

Item Lot Definition Lot Size
A package of 24 AA batteries A box of 10 packages 10
A P235/75-15 Goodyear tire 4 tires 4
Fashion Jewelry Rings Package of 100 assorted rings 100

Note: Lots are not supported in all categories.

Occurrence: Conditional


Contact information for the manufacturer of the product.

Occurrence: Conditional


The first line of the product manufacturer's street address.

Occurrence: Conditional


The second line of the product manufacturer's street address. This field is not always used, but can be used for secondary address information such as 'Suite Number' or 'Apt Number'.

Occurrence: Conditional


The city of the product manufacturer's street address.

Occurrence: Conditional


The company name of the the product manufacturer.

Occurrence: Conditional


The two-letter ISO 3166 standard code for the country of the address.

Occurrence: Conditional


The country name of the product manufacturer's street address.

Occurrence: Conditional


The county of the product manufacturer's street address.

Occurrence: Conditional


The product manufacturer's business email address.

Occurrence: Conditional


The product manufacturer's business phone number.

Occurrence: Conditional


The postal code of the product manufacturer's street address.

Occurrence: Conditional


The state or province of the product manufacturer's street address.

Occurrence: Conditional


The original price and the discount amount and percentage.

Occurrence: Conditional


This container returns the monetary amount of the seller discount.

Occurrence: Conditional


The three-letter ISO 4217 code representing the currency of the amount in the convertedFromValue field. This value is required or returned only if currency conversion/localization is required, and represents the pre-conversion currency.

Occurrence: Conditional


The monetary amount before any conversion is performed, in the currency specified by the convertedFromCurrency field. This value is required or returned only if currency conversion/localization is required. The value field contains the converted amount of this value, in the currency specified by the currency field.

Occurrence: Conditional


The three-letter ISO 4217 code representing the currency of the amount in the value field. If currency conversion/localization is required, this is the post-conversion currency of the amount in the value field.

Default: The currency of the authenticated user's country.

Occurrence: Conditional


The monetary amount in the currency specified by the currency field. If currency conversion/localization is required, this value is the converted amount, and the convertedFromValue field contains the amount in the original currency.

Occurrence: Conditional


This field expresses the percentage of the seller discount based on the value in the originalPrice container.

Occurrence: Conditional


This container returns the monetary amount of the item without the discount.

Occurrence: Conditional


The three-letter ISO 4217 code representing the currency of the amount in the convertedFromValue field. This value is required or returned only if currency conversion/localization is required, and represents the pre-conversion currency.

Occurrence: Conditional


The monetary amount before any conversion is performed, in the currency specified by the convertedFromCurrency field. This value is required or returned only if currency conversion/localization is required. The value field contains the converted amount of this value, in the currency specified by the currency field.

Occurrence: Conditional


The three-letter ISO 4217 code representing the currency of the amount in the value field. If currency conversion/localization is required, this is the post-conversion currency of the amount in the value field.

Default: The currency of the authenticated user's country.

Occurrence: Conditional


The monetary amount in the currency specified by the currency field. If currency conversion/localization is required, this value is the converted amount, and the convertedFromValue field contains the amount in the original currency.

Occurrence: Conditional


Indicates the pricing treatment (discount) that was applied to the price of the item.

Note: The pricing treatment affects the way and where the discounted price can be displayed.

Occurrence: Conditional


(Primary Item Aspect) Text describing what the item is made of. For example, silk. All the item aspects, including this aspect, are returned in the localizedAspects container.

Occurrence: Conditional


The minimum price of the next bid, which means to place a bid it must be equal to or greater than this amount. If the auction hasn't received any bids, the minimum bid price is the same as the starting bid. Otherwise, the minimum bid price is equal to the current bid plus the bid increment. For details about bid increments, see Automatic bidding.

Occurrence: Conditional


The three-letter ISO 4217 code representing the currency of the amount in the convertedFromValue field. This value is required or returned only if currency conversion/localization is required, and represents the pre-conversion currency.

Occurrence: Conditional


The monetary amount before any conversion is performed, in the currency specified by the convertedFromCurrency field. This value is required or returned only if currency conversion/localization is required. The value field contains the converted amount of this value, in the currency specified by the currency field.

Occurrence: Conditional


The three-letter ISO 4217 code representing the currency of the amount in the value field. If currency conversion/localization is required, this is the post-conversion currency of the amount in the value field.

Default: The currency of the authenticated user's country.

Occurrence: Conditional


The monetary amount in the currency specified by the currency field. If currency conversion/localization is required, this value is the converted amount, and the convertedFromValue field contains the amount in the original currency.

Occurrence: Conditional


The manufacturer's part number, which is a unique number that identifies a specific product. To identify the product, this is always used along with brand.

Occurrence: Conditional


(Primary Item Aspect) Text describing the pattern used on the item. For example, paisley. All the item aspects, including this aspect, are returned in the localizedAspects container.

Occurrence: Conditional

items.paymentMethodsarray of PaymentMethod

The payment methods for the item, including the payment method types, brands, and instructions for the buyer.

Occurrence: Conditional


The payment method type, such as credit card or cash.

Occurrence: Conditional

items.paymentMethods.paymentMethodBrandsarray of PaymentMethodBrand

The payment method brands, including the payment method brand type and logo image.

Occurrence: Conditional


The payment method brand, such as Visa or PayPal.

Occurrence: Conditional


The details of the logo image, such as the size and URL.

Note: Currently, only the imageUrl is populated.

Occurrence: Conditional


Reserved for future use.

Occurrence: Conditional


The URL of the image.

Occurrence: Always


Reserved for future use.

Occurrence: Conditional

items.paymentMethods.paymentInstructionsarray of PaymentInstructionEnum

The payment instructions for the buyer, such as cash in person or contact seller.

Occurrence: Conditional

items.paymentMethods.sellerInstructionsarray of SellerInstructionEnum

The seller instructions to the buyer, such as accepts credit cards or see description.

Occurrence: Conditional


The cost of just the item. This amount does not include any adjustments such as discounts or shipping costs.

Note: The price does include the value-added tax (VAT) for applicable jurisdictions when requested from supported marketplaces. In this case, users must pass the X-EBAY-C-MARKETPLACE-ID request header specifying the supported marketplace (such as EBAY_GB) to see the VAT-inclusive pricing. For more information on VAT, refer to VAT Obligations in the EU.

Occurrence: Always


The three-letter ISO 4217 code representing the currency of the amount in the convertedFromValue field. This value is required or returned only if currency conversion/localization is required, and represents the pre-conversion currency.

Occurrence: Conditional


The monetary amount before any conversion is performed, in the currency specified by the convertedFromCurrency field. This value is required or returned only if currency conversion/localization is required. The value field contains the converted amount of this value, in the currency specified by the currency field.

Occurrence: Conditional


The three-letter ISO 4217 code representing the currency of the amount in the value field. If currency conversion/localization is required, this is the post-conversion currency of the amount in the value field.

Default: The currency of the authenticated user's country.

Occurrence: Conditional


The monetary amount in the currency specified by the currency field. If currency conversion/localization is required, this value is the converted amount, and the convertedFromValue field contains the amount in the original currency.

Occurrence: Conditional


Indicates when in the buying flow the item's price can appear for minimum advertised price (MAP) items, which is the lowest price a retailer can advertise/show for this item.

Occurrence: Conditional


The container that returns details of a primary item group (parent ID of an item group). An item group is an item that has various aspect differences, such as color, size, storage capacity, etc.

When an item group is created, one of the item variations, such as the red shirt size L, is chosen as the "parent". All the other items in the group are the children, such as the blue shirt size L, red shirt size M, etc.

Note: This container is returned only if the item_id in the request is for an item group (items with variations, such as color and size).

Occurrence: Conditional

items.primaryItemGroup.itemGroupAdditionalImagesarray of Image

An array of containers with the URLs for images that are in addition to the primary image of the item group. The primary image is returned in the itemGroupImage field.

Occurrence: Conditional


Reserved for future use.

Occurrence: Conditional


The URL of the image.

Occurrence: Always


Reserved for future use.

Occurrence: Conditional


The HATEOAS reference of the parent page of the item group. An item group is an item that has various aspect differences, such as color, size, storage capacity, etc.

Occurrence: Conditional


The unique identifier for the item group. An item group is an item that has various aspect differences, such as color, size, storage capacity, etc.

Occurrence: Conditional


The URL of the primary image of the item group. An item group is an item that has various aspect differences, such as color, size, storage capacity, etc.

Occurrence: Conditional


Reserved for future use.

Occurrence: Conditional


The URL of the image.

Occurrence: Always


Reserved for future use.

Occurrence: Conditional


The title of the item that appears on the item group page. An item group is an item that has various aspect differences, such as color, size, storage capacity, etc.

Occurrence: Conditional


An enumeration value that indicates the type of the item group. An item group is an item that has various aspect differences, such as color, size, storage capacity, etc.

Occurrence: Conditional


The container that returns the product rating details, such as review count, rating histogram, and average rating.

Occurrence: Conditional


The average rating given to a product based on customer reviews.

Occurrence: Conditional

items.primaryProductReviewRating.ratingHistogramsarray of RatingHistogram

An array of containers for the product rating histograms that shows the review counts and the product rating.

Occurrence: Conditional


The total number of user ratings that the product has received.

Occurrence: Conditional


This is the average rating for the product. As part of a product review, users rate the product. Products are rated from one star (terrible) to five stars (excellent), with each star having a corresponding point value - one star gets 1 point, two stars get 2 points, and so on. If a product had one four-star rating and one five-star rating, its average rating would be 4.5, and this is the value that would appear in this field.

Occurrence: Conditional


The total number of reviews for the item.

Occurrence: Conditional


This field is returned as true if the listing is part of a Promoted Listing campaign. Promoted Listings are available to Above Standard and Top Rated sellers with recent sales activity.

For more information, see Promoted Listings.

Occurrence: Always


The container that returns the product information of the item.

Occurrence: Conditional

items.product.additionalImagesarray of Image

An array of containers with the URLs for the product images that are in addition to the primary image.

Occurrence: Conditional


Reserved for future use.

Occurrence: Conditional


The URL of the image.

Occurrence: Always


Reserved for future use.

Occurrence: Conditional

items.product.additionalProductIdentitiesarray of AdditionalProductIdentity

An array of product identifiers associated with the item. This container is returned if the seller has associated the eBay Product Identifier (ePID) with the item and in the request fieldgroups is set to PRODUCT.

Occurrence: Conditional

items.product.additionalProductIdentities.productIdentityarray of ProductIdentity

An array of product identifier/value pairs for the product associated with the item. This is returned if the seller has associated the eBay Product Identifier (ePID) with the item and the request has fieldgroups set to PRODUCT.

The following table shows what is returned, based on the item information provided by the seller, when fieldgroups is set to PRODUCT.

ePID ProvidedProduct ID(s) ProvidedResponse
NoNoThe AdditionalProductIdentity container is not returned.
NoYesThe AdditionalProductIdentity container is not returned but the product identifiers specified by the seller are returned in the localizedAspects container.
YesNoThe AdditionalProductIdentity container is returned listing the product identifiers of the product.
YesYesThe AdditionalProductIdentity container is returned listing all the product identifiers of the product and the product identifiers specified by the seller are returned in the localizedAspects container.

Occurrence: Conditional


The type of product identifier, such as UPC and EAN.

Occurrence: Conditional


The product identifier value.

Occurrence: Conditional

items.product.aspectGroupsarray of AspectGroup

An array of containers for the product aspects. Each group contains the aspect group name and the aspect name/value pairs.

Occurrence: Conditional

items.product.aspectGroups.aspectsarray of Aspect

An array of the name/value pairs for the aspects of the product. For example: BRAND/Apple

Occurrence: Conditional


The text representing the name of the aspect for the name/value pair, such as Brand.

Occurrence: Conditional

items.product.aspectGroups.aspects.localizedValuesarray of string

The text representing the value of the aspect for the name/value pair, such as Apple.

Occurrence: Conditional


The name of a group of aspects.

In the following example, Product Identifiers and Process are product aspect group names. Under the group name are the product aspect name/value pairs.

Product Identifiers
   Product Family/iMac

   Processor Type/Intel
   Processor Speed/3.10

Occurrence: Conditional


The brand associated with product. To identify the product, this is always used along with MPN (manufacturer part number).

Occurrence: Conditional


The rich description of an eBay product, which might contain HTML.

Occurrence: Conditional

items.product.gtinsarray of string

An array of all the possible GTINs values associated with the product. A GTIN is a unique Global Trade Item number of the item as defined by This can be a UPC (Universal Product Code), EAN (European Article Number), or an ISBN (International Standard Book Number) value.

Occurrence: Conditional


The primary image of the product. This is often a stock photo.

Occurrence: Conditional


Reserved for future use.

Occurrence: Conditional


The URL of the image.

Occurrence: Always


Reserved for future use.

Occurrence: Conditional

items.product.mpnsarray of string

An array of all possible MPN values associated with the product. A MPNs is manufacturer part number of the product. To identify the product, this is always used along with brand.

Occurrence: Conditional


The title of the product.

Occurrence: Conditional


The URL of a page containing the manufacturer's specification of this item, which helps buyers make a purchasing decision. This information is available only for items that include the European energy efficiency rating (EEK) but is not available for all items with an EEK rating and is returned only if this information is available. The EEK rating of the item is returned in the energyEfficiencyClass field.

Occurrence: Conditional


This container provides product safety labels which were provided by the seller, for the listing.

The getProductSafetyLabels method of the Sell Metadata API can be used to retrieve the full set of available Product Safety pictogram labels and safety statements.

Occurrence: Conditional

items.productSafetyLabels.pictogramsarray of ProductSafetyLabelPictogram

An array of seller provided comma-separated string values that provides identifier, URL, and description for one or more pictograms associated with the listing.

Occurrence: Conditional


The description of the safety label pictogram.

Occurrence: Conditional


The identifier of the safety label pictogram.

Occurrence: Conditional


The URL of the safety label pictogram.

Occurrence: Conditional

items.productSafetyLabels.statementsarray of ProductSafetyLabelStatement

An array of seller provided comma-separated string values that provide identifier and description for one or more product safety statements associated with the listing.

Occurrence: Conditional


A description of the nature of the product safety label statement.

Occurrence: Conditional


The identifier of the product safety label statement.

Occurrence: Conditional

items.qualifiedProgramsarray of string

An array of the qualified programs available for the item, or for the item group when returned for the getItemsByItemGroup method, such as EBAY_PLUS, AUTHENTICITY_GUARANTEE, and AUTHENTICITY_VERIFICATION.

Note: The AUTHENTICITY_GUARANTEE value being returned by the getItemsByItemGroup method indicates that at least one item in the item group supports this program, but doesn't guarantee that the program is available to all items in the item group. To verify if the Authenticity Program is indeed available for the item that you are interested in, grab the items.itemId value for that item and use the getItem method. This method will return specific details on that particular item, including whether or not the Authenticity Guarantee Program is available for the item. Look for the qualifiedPrograms array and authenticityGuarantee container in the getItem response for this information.

eBay Plus is a premium account option for buyers, which provides benefits such as fast free domestic shipping and free returns on selected items. Top-Rated eBay sellers must opt in to eBay Plus to be able to offer the program on qualifying listings. Sellers must commit to next-day delivery of those items.

Note: eBay Plus is available only to buyers in Germany, Austria, and Australia marketplaces.

The eBay Authenticity Guarantee program enables third-party authenticators to perform authentication verification inspections on items such as watches and sneakers.

Occurrence: Conditional


The maximum number for a specific item that one buyer can purchase.

Occurrence: Conditional


A score that describes how easy it is to repair the product. Score values range from 0.1 (hardest to repair) to 10.0 (easiest), always including a single decimal place.

Occurrence: Conditional


This indicates if the reserve price of the item has been met. A reserve price is set by the seller and is the minimum amount the seller is willing to sell the item for.

If the highest bid is not equal to or higher than the reserve price when the auction ends, the listing ends and the item is not sold.

Note: This is returned only for auctions that have a reserve price.

Occurrence: Conditional

items.responsiblePersonsarray of ResponsiblePerson

This array provides information about one or more EU-based Responsible Persons or entities associated with the listing.

Occurrence: Conditional


The first line of the Responsible Person's street address.

Occurrence: Conditional


The second line of the Responsible Person's address. This field is not always used, but can be used for secondary address information such as 'Suite Number' or 'Apt Number'.

Occurrence: Conditional


The city of the Responsible Person's street address.

Occurrence: Conditional


The name of the the Responsible Person or entity.

Occurrence: Conditional


The two-letter ISO 3166 standard of the country of the address.

Occurrence: Conditional


The country name of the Responsible Person's street address.

Occurrence: Conditional


The county of the Responsible Person's street address.

Occurrence: Conditional


The email of the Responsible Person's street address.

Occurrence: Conditional


The phone number of the Responsible Person's street address.

Occurrence: Conditional


The postal code of the Responsible Person's street address.

Occurrence: Conditional


The state or province of the Responsible Person's street address.

Occurrence: Conditional

items.responsiblePersons.typesarray of ResponsiblePersonTypeEnum

The type(s) associated with the Responsible Person or entity.

Occurrence: Conditional


The container that returns an overview of the seller's return policy.

Occurrence: Conditional


This indicates if the seller has enabled the Extended Holiday Returns feature on the item. Extended Holiday Returns are only applicable during the US holiday season, and gives buyers extra time to return an item. This 'extra time' will typically extend beyond what is set through the returnPeriod value.

Occurrence: Conditional


An enumeration value that indicates how a buyer is refunded when an item is returned.


Code so that your app gracefully handles any future changes to this list.

Occurrence: Conditional


This string field indicates the restocking fee percentage that the seller has set on the item. Sellers have the option of setting no restocking fee for an item, or they can set the percentage to 10, 15, or 20 percent. So, if the cost of the item was $100, and the restocking percentage was 20 percent, the buyer would be charged $20 to return that item, so instead of receiving a $100 refund, they would receive $80 due to the restocking fee.

Occurrence: Conditional


Text written by the seller describing what the buyer needs to do in order to return the item.

Occurrence: Conditional


An enumeration value that indicates the alternative methods for a full refund when an item is returned. This field is returned if the seller offers the buyer an item replacement or exchange instead of a monetary refund.

Valid Values:

  • REPLACEMENT - Indicates that the buyer has the option of receiving money back for the returned item, or they can choose to have the seller replace the item with an identical item.
  • EXCHANGE - Indicates that the buyer has the option of receiving money back for the returned item, or they can exchange the item for another similar item.
Code so that your app gracefully handles any future changes to this list.

Occurrence: Conditional


The amount of time the buyer has to return the item after the purchase date.

Occurrence: Conditional


An enumeration value that indicates the units of the time span (e.g., HOURS). The enumeration value in this field defines the period of time being used to measure the duration.

Refer to TimeDurationUnitEnum for the list of supported values.

Occurrence: Conditional


Retrieves the duration of the time span (no units). The value in this field indicates the number of years, months, days, hours, or minutes in the defined period.

Occurrence: Conditional


Indicates whether the seller accepts returns for the item.

Occurrence: Conditional


This enumeration value indicates whether the buyer or seller is responsible for return shipping costs when an item is returned.

Valid Values:

  • SELLER - Indicates the seller will pay for the shipping costs to return the item.
  • BUYER - Indicates the buyer will pay for the shipping costs to return the item.
Code so that your app gracefully handles any future changes to this list.

Occurrence: Conditional


The container that returns basic and detailed about the seller of the item, such as name, feedback score, and contact information.

Occurrence: Always


The percentage of the total positive feedback.

Occurrence: Always


The feedback score of the seller. This value is based on the ratings from eBay members that bought items from this seller.

Occurrence: Always


This indicates if the seller is a business or an individual. This is determined when the seller registers with eBay. If they register for a business account, this value will be BUSINESS. If they register for a private account, this value will be INDIVIDUAL. This designation is required by the tax laws in the following countries:

This field is returned only on the following sites.



Code so that your app gracefully handles any future changes to this list.

Occurrence: Conditional


The container with the seller's contact info and fields that are required by law.

Occurrence: Conditional


The seller's business email address.

Occurrence: Conditional


The seller' business fax number.

Occurrence: Conditional


This is a free-form string created by the seller. This is information often found on business cards, such as address. This is information used by some countries.

Occurrence: Conditional


The seller's first name.

Occurrence: Conditional


The seller's last name.

Occurrence: Conditional


The name of the seller's business.

Occurrence: Conditional


The seller's business phone number.

Occurrence: Conditional


The seller's registration number. This is information used by some countries.

Occurrence: Conditional


The container that returns the seller's address to be used to contact them.

Occurrence: Conditional


The first line of the street address.

Occurrence: Conditional


The second line of the street address. This field is not always used, but can be used for 'Suite Number' or 'Apt Number'.

Occurrence: Conditional


The city of the address.

Occurrence: Always


The two-letter ISO 3166 standard code for the country of the address.

Occurrence: Conditional


The name of the country of the address.

Occurrence: Conditional


The name of the county of the address.

Occurrence: Conditional


The postal code of the address.

Occurrence: Conditional


The state or province of the address.

Occurrence: Always


This is a free-form string created by the seller. This is the seller's terms or condition, which is in addition to the seller's return policies.

Occurrence: Conditional

items.seller.sellerLegalInfo.vatDetailsarray of VatDetail

An array of the seller's VAT (value added tax) IDs and the issuing country. VAT is a tax added by some European countries.

Occurrence: Conditional


The two-letter ISO 3166 standard of the country issuing the seller's VAT (value added tax) ID. VAT is a tax added by some European countries.

Occurrence: Conditional


The seller's VAT (value added tax) ID. VAT is a tax added by some European countries.

Occurrence: Conditional


Provides required information about the manufacturer and/or supplier of the item.

Occurrence: Conditional


The company name of the registered Economic Operator.

Occurrence: Conditional


The first line of the registered Economic Operator's street address.

Occurrence: Conditional


The second line, if any, of the registered Economic Operator's street address. This field is not always used, but can be used for 'Suite Number' or 'Apt Number'.

Occurrence: Conditional


The city of the registered Economic Operator's street address.

Occurrence: Conditional


The state or province of the registered Economic Operator's street address.

Occurrence: Conditional


The postal code of the registered Economic Operator's street address.

Occurrence: Conditional


The two-letter ISO 3166 standard abbreviation of the country of the registered Economic Operator's address.

Occurrence: Conditional


The registered Economic Operator's business phone number.

Occurrence: Conditional


The registered Economic Operator's business email address.

Occurrence: Conditional


The Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment (WEEE) registration number required for any seller to place electrical and electronic equipment on the market in Germany. This manufacturer number is assigned to the first distributors of electrical and electronic equipment and comprises a country code and an 8-digit sequence of digits (e.g. “WEEE Reg. No. DE 12345678”).

Occurrence: Conditional


The unique identifier of an eBay user across all eBay sites. This value does not change, even when a user changes their username.

Occurrence: Conditional


The user name created by the seller for use on eBay.

Occurrence: Always

items.sellerCustomPoliciesarray of SellerCustomPolicy

A list of the custom policies that are applied to a listing.

Occurrence: Conditional


The seller-defined description of the policy.

Occurrence: Conditional


The seller-defined label for an individual custom policy.

Occurrence: Conditional


The type of custom policy, such as PRODUCT_COMPLIANCE or TAKE_BACK.

Occurrence: Conditional


An identifier generated/incremented when a seller revises the item. There are two types of item revisions:

  • Seller changes, such as changing the title
  • eBay system changes, such as changing the quantity when an item is purchased
This ID is changed only when the seller makes a change to the item. This means you cannot use this value to determine if the quantity has changed.

Occurrence: Conditional

items.shippingOptionsarray of ShippingOption

An array of shipping options containers that have the details about cost, carrier, etc. of one shipping option.

Note: For items with calculated shipping, this array is only returned if the X-EBAY-C-ENDUSERCTX header is supplied.

Occurrence: Conditional


Any per item additional shipping costs for a multi-item purchase. For example, let's say the shipping cost for a power cord is $3. But for an additional cord, the shipping cost is only $1. So if you bought 3 cords, the shippingCost would be $3 and this value would be $2 ($1 for each additional item).

Occurrence: Conditional


The three-letter ISO 4217 code representing the currency of the amount in the convertedFromValue field. This value is required or returned only if currency conversion/localization is required, and represents the pre-conversion currency.

Occurrence: Conditional


The monetary amount before any conversion is performed, in the currency specified by the convertedFromCurrency field. This value is required or returned only if currency conversion/localization is required. The value field contains the converted amount of this value, in the currency specified by the currency field.

Occurrence: Conditional


The three-letter ISO 4217 code representing the currency of the amount in the value field. If currency conversion/localization is required, this is the post-conversion currency of the amount in the value field.

Default: The currency of the authenticated user's country.

Occurrence: Conditional


The monetary amount in the currency specified by the currency field. If currency conversion/localization is required, this value is the converted amount, and the convertedFromValue field contains the amount in the original currency.

Occurrence: Conditional


The deadline date that the item must be purchased by in order to be received by the buyer within the delivery window ( maxEstimatedDeliveryDate and minEstimatedDeliveryDate fields). This field is returned only for items that are eligible for 'Same Day Handling'. For these items, the value of this field is what is displayed in the Delivery line on the View Item page.

This value is returned in UTC format (yyyy-MM-ddThh:mm:ss.sssZ), which you can convert into the local time of the buyer.

Occurrence: Conditional


If the item is being shipped by the eBay Global Shipping program, this field returns GLOBAL_SHIPPING.

If the item is being shipped using the eBay International Shipping program, this field returns INTERNATIONAL_SHIPPING.

Otherwise, this field is null.

Occurrence: Conditional


Although this field is still returned, it can be ignored since eBay Guaranteed Delivery is no longer a supported feature on any marketplace. This field may get removed from the schema in the future.

Occurrence: Conditional


The Global Shipping Program import charges for this item.

Occurrence: Conditional


The three-letter ISO 4217 code representing the currency of the amount in the convertedFromValue field. This value is required or returned only if currency conversion/localization is required, and represents the pre-conversion currency.

Occurrence: Conditional


The monetary amount before any conversion is performed, in the currency specified by the convertedFromCurrency field. This value is required or returned only if currency conversion/localization is required. The value field contains the converted amount of this value, in the currency specified by the currency field.

Occurrence: Conditional


The three-letter ISO 4217 code representing the currency of the amount in the value field. If currency conversion/localization is required, this is the post-conversion currency of the amount in the value field.

Default: The currency of the authenticated user's country.

Occurrence: Conditional


The monetary amount in the currency specified by the currency field. If currency conversion/localization is required, this value is the converted amount, and the convertedFromValue field contains the amount in the original currency.

Occurrence: Conditional


The end date of the delivery window (latest projected delivery date). This value is returned in UTC format (yyyy-MM-ddThh:mm:ss.sssZ), which you can convert into the local time of the buyer.

Note: For the best accuracy, always include the location of where the item is be shipped in the contextualLocation values of the X-EBAY-C-ENDUSERCTX request header.

Occurrence: Conditional


The start date of the delivery window (earliest projected delivery date). This value is returned in UTC format (yyyy-MM-ddThh:mm:ss.sssZ), which you can convert into the local time of the buyer.

Note: For the best accuracy, always include the location of where the item is be shipped in the contextualLocation values of the X-EBAY-C-ENDUSERCTX request header.

Occurrence: Conditional


The number of items used when calculating the estimation information.

Occurrence: Conditional


The name of the shipping provider, such as FedEx, or USPS.

Occurrence: Always


The final shipping cost for all the items after all discounts are applied.

Note: The cost does include the value-added tax (VAT) for applicable jurisdictions when requested from supported marketplaces. In this case, users must pass the X-EBAY-C-MARKETPLACE-ID request header specifying the supported marketplace (such as EBAY_GB) to see the VAT-inclusive cost. For more information on VAT, refer to VAT Obligations in the EU.

Occurrence: Always


The three-letter ISO 4217 code representing the currency of the amount in the convertedFromValue field. This value is required or returned only if currency conversion/localization is required, and represents the pre-conversion currency.

Occurrence: Conditional


The monetary amount before any conversion is performed, in the currency specified by the convertedFromCurrency field. This value is required or returned only if currency conversion/localization is required. The value field contains the converted amount of this value, in the currency specified by the currency field.

Occurrence: Conditional


The three-letter ISO 4217 code representing the currency of the amount in the value field. If currency conversion/localization is required, this is the post-conversion currency of the amount in the value field.

Default: The currency of the authenticated user's country.

Occurrence: Conditional


The monetary amount in the currency specified by the currency field. If currency conversion/localization is required, this value is the converted amount, and the convertedFromValue field contains the amount in the original currency.

Occurrence: Conditional


Indicates the class of the shipping cost.


Code so that your app gracefully handles any future changes to this list.

Occurrence: Always


The type of shipping service. For example, USPS First Class.

Occurrence: Always


The container that returns the country and postal code of where the item is to be shipped. These values come from the contextualLocation values in the X-EBAY-C-ENDUSERCTX request header. If the header is not submitted, marketplace is used.

Occurrence: Conditional


The two-letter ISO 3166 standard of the country for where the item is to be shipped.

Occurrence: Conditional


The zip code (postal code) for where the item is to be shipped.

Occurrence: Conditional


Any trademark symbol, such as ™ or ®, that needs to be shown in superscript next to the shipping service name.

Occurrence: Conditional


The type of a shipping option, such as EXPEDITED, ONE_DAY, STANDARD, ECONOMY, PICKUP, etc.

Occurrence: Always


The container that returns the geographic regions to be included and excluded that define where the item can be shipped.

Occurrence: Conditional

items.shipToLocations.regionExcludedarray of ShipToRegion

An array of containers that express the large geographical regions, countries, state/provinces, or special locations within a country where the seller is not willing to ship to.

Occurrence: Conditional


The unique identifier of the shipping region. The value returned here is dependent on the corresponding regionType value. The regionId value for a region does not vary based on the eBay marketplace. However, the corresponding regionName value for a region is a localized, text-based description of the shipping region.

If the regionType value is WORLDWIDE, the regionId value will also be WORLDWIDE.


If the regionType value is COUNTRY, the regionId value will be the two-letter code for the country, as defined in the ISO 3166 standard.

If the regionType value is STATE_OR_PROVINCE, the regionId value will either be the two-letter code for US states and DC (as defined on this Social Security Administration page), or the two-letter code for Canadian provinces (as defined by this Canada Post page).

If the regionType value is COUNTRY_REGION, the regionId value may be one of following: _AH (if a seller is not willing to ship to Alaska/Hawaii), _PR (if the seller is not willing to ship to US Protectorates), _AP (if seller is not willing to ship to a US Army or Fleet Post Office), and PO_BOX (if the seller is not willing to ship to a Post Office Box).

Occurrence: Conditional


A localized text string that indicates the name of the shipping region. The value returned here is dependent on the corresponding regionType value.

If the regionType value is WORLDWIDE, the regionName value will show Worldwide.

If the regionType value is WORLD_REGION, the regionName value will be a localized text string for one of the following large geographical regions: Africa, Americas, Asia, Australia, Central America and Caribbean, Europe, European Union, Greater China, Middle East, North America, Oceania, South America, Southeast Asia, or Channel Islands.

If the regionType value is COUNTRY, the regionName value will be a localized text string for any country in the world.

If the regionType value is STATE_OR_PROVINCE, the regionName value will be a localized text string for any US state or Canadian province.

If the regionType value is COUNTRY_REGION, the regionName value may be a localized version of one of the following: Alaska/Hawaii, US Protectorates, APO/FPO (Army or Fleet Post Office), or PO BOX.

Occurrence: Conditional


An enumeration value that indicates the level or type of shipping region.

Valid Values:

  • COUNTRY_REGION - Indicates the region is a domestic region or special location within a country.
  • STATE_OR_PROVINCE - Indicates the region is a state or province within a country, such as California or New York in the US, or Ontario or Alberta in Canada.
  • COUNTRY - Indicates the region is a single country.
  • WORLD_REGION - Indicates the region is a world region, such as Africa, the Middle East, or Southeast Asia.
  • WORLDWIDE - Indicates the region is the entire world. This value is only applicable for included shiping regions, and not excluded shipping regions.
For more detail on the actual regionName/regionId values that will be returned based on the regionType value, see the regionId and/or regionName field descriptions.

Code so that your app gracefully handles any future changes to this list.

Occurrence: Conditional

items.shipToLocations.regionIncludedarray of ShipToRegion

An array of containers that express the large geographical regions, countries, or state/provinces within a country where the seller is willing to ship to. Prospective buyers must look at the shipping regions under this container, as well as the shipping regions that are under the regionExcluded to see where the seller is willing to ship items. Sellers can specify that they ship 'Worldwide', but then add several large geographical regions (e.g. Asia, Oceania, Middle East) to the exclusion list, or sellers can specify that they ship to Europe and Africa, but then add several individual countries to the exclusion list.

Occurrence: Conditional


The unique identifier of the shipping region. The value returned here is dependent on the corresponding regionType value. The regionId value for a region does not vary based on the eBay marketplace. However, the corresponding regionName value for a region is a localized, text-based description of the shipping region.

If the regionType value is WORLDWIDE, the regionId value will also be WORLDWIDE.


If the regionType value is COUNTRY, the regionId value will be the two-letter code for the country, as defined in the ISO 3166 standard.

If the regionType value is STATE_OR_PROVINCE, the regionId value will either be the two-letter code for US states and DC (as defined on this Social Security Administration page), or the two-letter code for Canadian provinces (as defined by this Canada Post page).

If the regionType value is COUNTRY_REGION, the regionId value may be one of following: _AH (if a seller is not willing to ship to Alaska/Hawaii), _PR (if the seller is not willing to ship to US Protectorates), _AP (if seller is not willing to ship to a US Army or Fleet Post Office), and PO_BOX (if the seller is not willing to ship to a Post Office Box).

Occurrence: Conditional


A localized text string that indicates the name of the shipping region. The value returned here is dependent on the corresponding regionType value.

If the regionType value is WORLDWIDE, the regionName value will show Worldwide.

If the regionType value is WORLD_REGION, the regionName value will be a localized text string for one of the following large geographical regions: Africa, Americas, Asia, Australia, Central America and Caribbean, Europe, European Union, Greater China, Middle East, North America, Oceania, South America, Southeast Asia, or Channel Islands.

If the regionType value is COUNTRY, the regionName value will be a localized text string for any country in the world.

If the regionType value is STATE_OR_PROVINCE, the regionName value will be a localized text string for any US state or Canadian province.

If the regionType value is COUNTRY_REGION, the regionName value may be a localized version of one of the following: Alaska/Hawaii, US Protectorates, APO/FPO (Army or Fleet Post Office), or PO BOX.

Occurrence: Conditional


An enumeration value that indicates the level or type of shipping region.

Valid Values:

  • COUNTRY_REGION - Indicates the region is a domestic region or special location within a country.
  • STATE_OR_PROVINCE - Indicates the region is a state or province within a country, such as California or New York in the US, or Ontario or Alberta in Canada.
  • COUNTRY - Indicates the region is a single country.
  • WORLD_REGION - Indicates the region is a world region, such as Africa, the Middle East, or Southeast Asia.
  • WORLDWIDE - Indicates the region is the entire world. This value is only applicable for included shiping regions, and not excluded shipping regions.
For more detail on the actual regionName/regionId values that will be returned based on the regionType value, see the regionId and/or regionName field descriptions.

Code so that your app gracefully handles any future changes to this list.

Occurrence: Conditional


This text string is derived from the item condition and the item aspects (such as size, color, capacity, model, brand, etc.).

Occurrence: Conditional


(Primary Item Aspect) The size of the item. For example, '7' for a size 7 shoe. All the item aspects, including this aspect, are returned in the localizedAspects container.

Occurrence: Conditional


(Primary Item Aspect) The sizing system of the country. All the item aspects, including this aspect, are returned in the localizedAspects container.

Valid Values:
AU (Australia),
BR (Brazil),
CN (China),
DE (Germany),
EU (European Union),
FR (France),
IT (Italy),
JP (Japan),
MX (Mexico),
UK (United Kingdom)

Code so that your app gracefully handles any future changes to this list.

Occurrence: Conditional


(Primary Item Aspect) Text describing a size group in which the item would be included, such as regular, petite, plus, big-and-tall or maternity. All the item aspects, including this aspect, are returned in the localizedAspects container.

Occurrence: Conditional


A subtitle is optional and allows the seller to provide more information about the product, possibly including keywords that may assist with search results.

Occurrence: Conditional

items.taxesarray of Taxes

The container for the tax information for the item.

Occurrence: Conditional


This field is only returned if true, and indicates that eBay will collect tax (sales tax, Goods and Services tax, or VAT) for at least one line item in the order, and remit the tax to the taxing authority of the buyer's residence.

Occurrence: Conditional


This indicates if tax was applied for the cost of the item.

Occurrence: Conditional


This indicates if tax is applied for the shipping cost.

Occurrence: Conditional


The container that returns the tax jurisdiction.

Occurrence: Conditional


The region of the tax jurisdiction.

Occurrence: Conditional


A localized text string that indicates the name of the region. Taxes are generally charged at the state/province level or at the country level in the case of VAT tax.

Occurrence: Conditional


An enumeration value that indicates the type of region for the tax jurisdiction.

Valid Values:

  • STATE_OR_PROVINCE - Indicates the region is a state or province within a country, such as California or New York in the US, or Ontario or Alberta in Canada.
  • COUNTRY - Indicates the region is a single country.
Code so that your app gracefully handles any future changes to this list.

Occurrence: Conditional


The identifier of the tax jurisdiction.

Occurrence: Conditional


The percentage of tax.

Occurrence: Conditional


This field indicates the type of tax that may be collected for the item.

Occurrence: Conditional


The seller-created title of the item.

Maximum Length: 80 characters

Occurrence: Always


This indicates if the item a top-rated plus item. There are three benefits of a top-rated plus item: a minimum 30-day money-back return policy, shipping the items in 1 business day with tracking provided, and the added comfort of knowing this item is from experienced sellers with the highest buyer ratings. See the Top Rated Plus Items and Becoming a Top Rated Seller and qualifying for Top Rated Plus help topics for more information.

Occurrence: Conditional


The URL to the image that shows the information on the tyre label.

Occurrence: Conditional


This integer value indicates the number of different eBay users who have placed one or more bids on an auction item. This field is only applicable to auction items.

Occurrence: Conditional


This is the price per unit for the item. Some European countries require listings for certain types of products to include the price per unit so buyers can accurately compare prices.

For example:

"unitPricingMeasure": "100g",
"unitPrice": {
  "value": "7.99",
  "currency": "GBP"

Occurrence: Conditional


The three-letter ISO 4217 code representing the currency of the amount in the convertedFromValue field. This value is required or returned only if currency conversion/localization is required, and represents the pre-conversion currency.

Occurrence: Conditional


The monetary amount before any conversion is performed, in the currency specified by the convertedFromCurrency field. This value is required or returned only if currency conversion/localization is required. The value field contains the converted amount of this value, in the currency specified by the currency field.

Occurrence: Conditional


The three-letter ISO 4217 code representing the currency of the amount in the value field. If currency conversion/localization is required, this is the post-conversion currency of the amount in the value field.

Default: The currency of the authenticated user's country.

Occurrence: Conditional


The monetary amount in the currency specified by the currency field. If currency conversion/localization is required, this value is the converted amount, and the convertedFromValue field contains the amount in the original currency.

Occurrence: Conditional


The designation, such as size, weight, volume, count, etc., that was used to specify the quantity of the item. This helps buyers compare prices.

For example, the following tells the buyer that the item is 7.99 per 100 grams.

"unitPricingMeasure": "100g",
"unitPrice": {
  "value": "7.99",
  "currency": "GBP"

Occurrence: Conditional

items.warningsarray of ErrorDetailV3

An array of warning messages. These types of errors do not prevent the method from executing but should be checked.

Occurrence: Conditional


This string value indicates the error category. There are three categories of errors: request errors, application errors, and system errors.

Occurrence: Always


The name of the primary system where the error occurred. This is relevant for application errors.

Occurrence: Always


A unique code that identifies the particular error or warning that occurred. Your application can use error codes as identifiers in your customized error-handling algorithms.

Occurrence: Always

items.warnings.inputRefIdsarray of string

An array of reference IDs that identify the specific request elements most closely associated to the error or warning, if any.

Occurrence: Conditional


A detailed description of the condition that caused the error or warning, and information on what to do to correct the problem.

Occurrence: Conditional


A description of the condition that caused the error or warning.

Occurrence: Always

items.warnings.outputRefIdsarray of string

An array of reference IDs that identify the specific response elements most closely associated to the error or warning, if any.

Occurrence: Conditional

items.warnings.parametersarray of ErrorParameterV3

An array of warning and error messages that return one or more variables contextual information about the error or warning. This is often the field or value that triggered the error or warning.

Occurrence: Conditional


This is the name of input field that caused an issue with the call request.

Occurrence: Conditional


This is the actual value that was passed in for the element specified in the name field.

Occurrence: Conditional


The name of the subdomain in which the error or warning occurred.

Occurrence: NA


The number of users that have added the item to their watch list.

Note: This field is restricted to applications that have been granted permission to access this feature. You must submit an App Check ticket to request this access. In the App Check form, add a note to the Application Title/Summary and/or Application Details fields that you want access to Watch Count data in the Browse API.

Occurrence: Conditional

warningsarray of ErrorDetailV3

An array of warning messages. These types of errors do not prevent the method from executing but should be checked.

Occurrence: Conditional


This string value indicates the error category. There are three categories of errors: request errors, application errors, and system errors.

Occurrence: Always


The name of the primary system where the error occurred. This is relevant for application errors.

Occurrence: Always


A unique code that identifies the particular error or warning that occurred. Your application can use error codes as identifiers in your customized error-handling algorithms.

Occurrence: Always

warnings.inputRefIdsarray of string

An array of reference IDs that identify the specific request elements most closely associated to the error or warning, if any.

Occurrence: Conditional


A detailed description of the condition that caused the error or warning, and information on what to do to correct the problem.

Occurrence: Conditional


A description of the condition that caused the error or warning.

Occurrence: Always

warnings.outputRefIdsarray of string

An array of reference IDs that identify the specific response elements most closely associated to the error or warning, if any.

Occurrence: Conditional

warnings.parametersarray of ErrorParameterV3

An array of warning and error messages that return one or more variables contextual information about the error or warning. This is often the field or value that triggered the error or warning.

Occurrence: Conditional


This is the name of input field that caused an issue with the call request.

Occurrence: Conditional


This is the actual value that was passed in for the element specified in the name field.

Occurrence: Conditional


The name of the subdomain in which the error or warning occurred.

Occurrence: NA

HTTP status codes

This call can return one of the following HTTP status codes. For an overview of the status codes, see HTTP status codes in Using eBay RESTful APIs.

404Not Found
500Internal Server Error

Error codes

For more on errors, plus the codes of other common errors, see Handling errors.

11000API_BROWSEAPPLICATIONThere was a problem with an eBay internal system or process. Contact eBay developer support for assistance.
11002API_BROWSEREQUESTThe specified item group was not found.
11005API_BROWSEREQUESTItem Group Id is invalid. Use {itemHref} to get the item details.
11008API_BROWSEREQUESTThe item group is not available. This can be for many reasons, such as when the listing is being updated by the seller. Wait a few minutes and try the call again.
11011API_BROWSEREQUESTThe marketplace value {marketplaceId} is not supported. The supported values are: {allowedMarketplaces}
11501API_BROWSEREQUESTThe 'fieldgroups' value(s) are invalid: {fieldgroups}. The supported fieldgroups are: {supportedFieldgroups}


For more on warnings, plus the codes of other common warnings, see Handling errors.

11508API_BROWSEAPPLICATIONThis seller is currently away. If you make a purchase, please allow additional time for your order to be processed.
11509API_BROWSEAPPLICATIONThis seller is currently away until {sellerReturnDate}. If you make a purchase, please allow additional time for your order to be processed.


New to making API calls? Please see Making a Call.

Note: Identifiers, such as order IDs or user IDs, and personal data in these samples might be anonymized or may no longer be active on eBay. If necessary, substitute current, relevant eBay data in your requests.

Sample 1: Get Item Details for a Group of Items

This sample returns a specific group of items by passing in the ID of the group. The group ID is the item ID of the parent item of the group. This ID is returned in the itemGroup field.


The input is item_group_id URI parameter, which specifies the ID of the group. There is no payload with this request.



In this example, the group is for a man's shirt with variations, such as color and size capacity. The items container lists each individual item with its unique aspects. The itemHref returns the code for the call to return the item details, which include shipping, discount, and return policy information.

All these items have the same description. So only the short description is included in each item. At the bottom of the response is the commonDescriptions container, which has the description and a list of the item IDs that use this description.