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This topic describes Availability feeds, the definitions of the elements they can contain, the requirements to use them, and process them.


An Availability feed is a CSV or XML file that you upload to MIP. It contains a set of required information about the availability and quantity information of your products to be listed on eBay. The Availability feed should be uploaded after the Product feed that first defines the SKU(s). After a SKU is established in MIP, you can upload a fresh Availability feed as quantity or other factors change.

Availability feeds can be uploaded multiple times an hour, but only one Availability feed can be processed at a time. Each Availability feed is processed as queued on the server.


Availability feeds must:

  • Contain all of the elements listed as required in the Availability feed definitions table
  • Contain quantity available for Ship To Home
  • For 'Buy Online, Pick up in Store' and 'Click and Collect' inventory, the quantity available at store locations
  • A unique SKU for each item

Important! If you will be specifying location-specific availability, a Location feed is required so that the Availability feed can reference the needed location IDs, specified in Location feed. When using both feed types, upload the Location feed before the Availability feed.

How to create an availability feed

  1. Download the CSV or XML version of the Availability feed sample file: availability.csv or availability.xml
  2. Open the sample file and edit it with your SKU availability information. As needed, see the field definitions in Availability feed definitions.
  3. Save the file with an appropriate name.
  4. Upload the Availability feed file to eBay.

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