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A distribution feed is a CSV or XML file that you upload to MIP. It contains policies for payment, shipping and returns, as well as pricing, category and sales channel information for your SKUs.

Use a distribution feeds to update changes in the price of a SKU. Distribution feeds should be uploaded after the product feed and the availability feed the first time a SKU is processed.


Important! When using Product combined feeds, always include the product feed that contains the product information. Do not submit product combined feeds with distribution and/or availability information only. This may erase all previously submitted product information. See Using product combined feeds for more information.

  • Distribution feeds must contain:

    • All of the elements listed as required in the Distribution feed definitions table. You cannot upload a distribution feed unless you have uploaded your product feed (see Product feed definitions)

    • Sales channel information, such as which eBay sites to list the item
    • Special features
    • References to payment, shipping, and return business policies, plus shipping policy overrides if needed
  • You can upload distribution feeds multiple times per hour.

  • You can upload up to 10 feeds at a time, but only one distribution feed will be processed at a time, in the order they are queued on the server.

Note: Don’t use distribution feeds to add or update SKUs that haven’t previously been uploaded in a product feed. Doing so can lead to a build-up of error messages in the log files, which can slow processing time.

How to create a distribution feed

This example shows how to revise the product price in a listing:

  1. Open the following link:
  2. Open the distribution feed sample file and edit the distribution information for your SKUs. As needed, see the field definitions in Distribution feed definitions.
  3. Save the file with an appropriate name.
  4. Upload the distribution feed file to eBay.

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