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A Delete inventory feed is a CSV or XML file that you upload to MIP. It contains a set of required information to:

  • Delete one or more of your SKUs from MIP system

  • End one or more eBay listings where one or more of your SKUs are offered

  • Remove one or more SKUs from a multiple-variation listing

The following two actions can be taken with Delete inventory feeds:

  • DeleteListing: this action can be used to end one or more listings from a specified eBay marketplace, or just to remove one or more SKUs from a multiple-variation listing (and keep listing active with remaining SKUs). With this action, the SKU(s) in the Delete inventory feed (and associated product information) remain in MIP system. SKU information will be removed only from eBay.
  • DeleteInventory: this action deletes one or more SKUs (and associated product information) from the MIP system. If any of these SKUs are being offered in a single-SKU listing, that listing will also be ended. If any of these SKUs are being offered in a multiple-variation listing, those SKUs will be removed from that listing. SKU information will be removed from eBay and MIP System.


  • Delete inventory feeds must contain :
  • You can upload Delete inventory feeds multiple times per hour.
  • You can upload up to 10 feeds at one time, but the feeds will be processed one at a time, in the order they are queued on the server.

How to create a Delete inventory feed

  1. Download the Delete inventory feed sample file: delete-inventory.csv or delete-inventory.xml
  2. Open the file and customize it with your SKUs and the action(s) you want to take. As needed, see the field definitions in Delete inventory feed definitions
  3. Save the file as a .csv or .xml file with an appropriate name.
  4. Upload the Delete inventory feed file using MIP UI or SFTP server.

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