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In a CSV request file, a separate row is required for each specified Channel ID/Category ID pair. In an XML request file, a separate <categoryMetadata> container is required for each specified Channel ID/Category ID pair.

Sample feed request files:

Note: The fields in the table below are ordered according to their order in the CSV feed file. The parent is provided for XML fields in order to make it easier to locate that field in the XML feed file.

Field name


CSV: Category ID

XML: categoryMetadata.categoryID

Required. The unique identifier of the eBay leaf category within its category tree. Only leaf categories are supported. Category ID values for leaf categories are shown in the URL when a user clicks on that category in the eBay marketplace. The following is an example of a URL that shows the category ID (9355) of the Cell Phones & Smartphones category:

Important! The specified category must be a valid leaf category for the corresponding marketplace, or the feed will be unsuccessful.

Type: string

CSV: Channel ID

XML: categoryMetadata.channelID

Required. The unique identifier of the eBay marketplace for which Item Specifics metadata will be retrieved. Values include EBAY_US, EBAY_GB, EBAY_DE, and others. See Marketplace enumerated values for full list.

Type: string

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