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This topic describes the feed types used in MIP, the supported file formats, when to use each feed type, and the requirements for using them.

These are the basic guidelines for creating and using feeds. See Best Practices for more information.

About feeds

A data feed is a CSV or XML file that you create and upload to MIP or that MIP generates for you to download.

  • The feeds that you upload contain information about your products, including a description, photo, quantity, availability, prices, and more. You can also use feeds to change information about products already listed on the site.
  • The feeds and reports that you download contain information about the sales of your products, including what was sold, who bought them, how much they paid, and where to ship the products.
  • MIP provides feed samples and instructions for you to structure your product information.

Links to CSV and XML feed sample files are located in Sample feed and response files.

Feed and file formats

The eBay feed format supports two file formats: CSV and XML.

Feed files can be archived in a ZIP file format to decrease the file size, allowing more SKUs in a single file, and to reduce upload time.

Creating feeds

When you create a feed for the first time, it is recommended that you start with an eBay sample template of the same type as the feed, including all columns. Download the template from Sample feed and response files.

For subsequent feeds, use one of your working feed files as a template for a new file of the same type. This may require fewer changes than starting from a sample template.

Using delimiter characters in CSV files

If you create feeds manually, you must include delimiters and escape characters correctly or MIP will not accept the file.

  • The designated delimiter character to separate fields is a comma (,)
  • The designated escape character is a double quote (")
  • If an entry contains a double quote ("), you must use the escape character with it. In the CSV file, the entry is two double quotes (""), but it displays in the listing as a single quote ("). In addition, if a field contains a comma (,), you must enclose the field in double quotes (the escape character). See the following examples.
    • Fields containing commas as the delimiter: the entry cups, plates, and bowls, must be formatted in your data file as "cups, plates, and bowls". The same is true for files that use commas as separators (such as €1,234,567).
    • Fields containing double quotes: If the file contains the following values: Jeans size 34" x 30", the formatted entry in your data file should be: "Jeans size 34"" x 30""".
    • Fields containing commas and double quotes: If the file contains the following values: Jeans, size 34" x 30", the formatted entry in your data file should be: "Jeans, size 34"" x 30"""

Windows applications

  • If you use an end of line character to end a record (a row in the Excel file), include double quotes with it: "CRLF" If you use an end-of-line character withing a field, include a set of double quotes as with the end-of-line character in a record.

MacOS applications

  • When you end a record with an end-of-line character, include a set of double quotes: "CR".

Other requirements and restrictions

  • File size: Feed files must not exceed 25 MB in size, whether zipped or unzipped. If a feed file exceeds 25 MB, split it into multiple files.
  • Encoding: Set the feed file encoding to UTF-8.
  • Feed limits: You can upload up to 10 feeds at one time. Feeds can be all the same type or a mixture of different types.
  • SKU limits: There is no limit to how many SKUs can be contained in a feed file.
  • Assigning SKUs: Assign a unique SKU to each product and variation of a product (size, color, etc.) included in a feed.
  • Removing fields: You can remove a field (for example, subtitle) from the combined product, product, availability, and distribution feeds by leaving the value empty. When you upload the feed, MIP revises the listing and removes the subtitle from it.

Uploading feeds

You can upload any type of feed multiple times per hour.

You can upload up to 10 feeds at one time. Feeds can be of the same type or a mixture of different types.

After uploading your complete set of feeds, only upload feed files when needed (for example, when products, price, and quantity change). If only a few SKUs change in a particular feed, upload a feed that contains only those SKUs instead of the complete feed.

Upload product feeds before availability or distribution feeds when SKUs are added or changed. Otherwise, upload availability feeds independently when quantities change, and upload distribution feeds independently when prices change.

Processing feeds

Feeds of the same type are processed sequentially, in the order queued on the server. Feeds of different types are processed in parallel.

While a product feed is processing, the product and distribution feeds are locked because these feeds can’t be processed simultaneously. While a combined feed is processing, the product, availability, and distribution feeds are locked.

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