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After you set up your eBay seller account to use the Merchant Integration Platform (MIP), you can upload/manage feeds through the MIP UI or through the SFTP server.

Note: See Getting started for information on setting up your eBay seller account to use the Merchant Integration Platform (MIP).

MIP user interface

Through the production or sandbox MIP interface, you can select each feed type and then upload a feed file.

Note: You have to create a feed file before you can upload it (see Feed requirements). Also, you need to perform other setup and configuration tasks such as Select the feed format for the product data you'll upload (see settings/feedschema) and Channel management (see Manage your channels).

To upload a feed file, select the feed (see Available feeds) and then:

  1. Select Upload.

  2. Navigate to the feed file for upload, and then select it.

  3. Select Open to upload the file.

Once the feed file starts to be processed, information is displayed in the feed window. This may include information such as the Request Id, Uploaded file, Upload Time, SKUs updated, SKUs failed, Results file, and Status. Use this information to retrieve the results file, check status, determine any failed SKUs, and other similar tasks.

SFTP interface

To use the SFTP interface, set up and open a secure FTP client. Use the steps in the MIP GUI FTP set up (under Settings). Additional guidance is contained in FTP setup. Also refer to the specific secure FTP client that you set up for information on file uploads and downloads.

Then, connect to the MIP file server through the SFTP client and expand the directory tree so the feed folders show. Upload the file to the appropriate feed folder.

Generate and download reports

You can generate Order Reports and Active Inventory Reports through MIP. See Report for additional information.

Available feeds

Feeds for the following tasks are available.

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