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This report returns metric ratings based transactions through the following seller flows:

Note: For basic information on the using the Feed API, see General Sell Feed API tasks (flows).

The seller can use this report to look for data related to INR (item not received) and SNAD (item not as described) cases that buyers have submitted against the seller.

  • INR case: A buyer can open an INR case if they do not receive an item within the expected delivery window.
  • SNAD case: A SNAD case can be created if the buyer is saying that the received item is not as described as it was in the listing description.

For both of these case types, the seller may get a Seller Defect. Seller Defects are noted by the Included in rate calculation Boolean field in the INR and SNAD reports (see Sample CSV file download for INR and Sample CSV file download for SNAD). The Seller Defect rate is calculated by the number of seller defects/number of transactions that match the input criteria.

Feed limits

The frequency that each seller can upload or download files varies depends on the call type within the associated data file. See API Call Limits for default (starting) API rate limits. You can increase your request limit by applying for a Compatible Application Check. We expect that most developers will request an increased limit.

All data files have a maximum size limit of 15 MB, no matter how many requests they contain.

CUSTOMER_SERVICE_METRICS_REPORT can have a maximum of 30 jobs in each 24-hour period. Error 160025 results if this maximum is exceeded. A total number of 10 jobs can concurrently run, regardless of the time period. Error 160024 results if this total is exceeded.

Retrieving a list of transactions that affect performance

Use the Feed and Analytics APIs to create and download a customer service metrics report, which contains a list of transactions that affect performance for the specified evaluation type, service metric type, and other filters. You can provide more custom filters to narrow down the results. The response provides a request summary.

Note: In this procedure, you will be using methods with similar names in the Analytics API and Feed API, such as getCustomerServiceMetric (Analytics API) and getCustomerServiceMetricTask (Feed API). Make sure that you are using the correct method in each step.

To create and download the report:

  1. Retrieve the summary (service dependency).

    Call the getCustomerServiceMetric method of the Analytics API to retrieve the summary of the seller's performance and rating for the customer service metric.

    (Calling this method first ensures that there has been an evaluation of the customerServiceMetricType and evaluationMarketplaceId. Report requests can sometimes fail when there has been no previous evaulation.)

    Take note of the response values and ensure that you enter identical values for the request fields in the next step.

  2. Create the task.

    Call the createCustomerServiceMetricTask method of the Feed API. Use these request field values:
    • feedType request field: Set the value to CUSTOMER_SERVICE_METRICS_REPORT.

    • filterCriteria.evaluationMarketplaceId request field: Set the value so that it matches the response value from the getCustomerServiceMetric (Analytics API) call that you made in step 1.

    • filterCriteria.customerServiceMetricType request field: Set the value so that it matches the response value from the getCustomerServiceMetric (Analytics API) call that you made in step 1.

    Take note of the task ID that this method returns in the location response header. This ID is used in the getCustomerServiceMetricTask and getCustomerServiceMetricTasks methods. Initially, the task status will be CREATED.

  3. Check the status of the task.

    Call the getCustomerServiceMetricTask method of the Feed API, using the task ID to retrieve the status of the task.

    The status flow is QUEUED > IN_PROCESS > COMPLETED or COMPLETED_WITH_ERROR. When the status is COMPLETED, the file has been processed and the result file can be downloaded.

    If there are errors, they will be indicated in the report file.

  4. Download the report.

    Call the getResultFile method of the Feed API, using the task ID to download the report. This method downloads the report and returns metadata for the file in the content-disposition response header to download the generated CSV file.

    See Sample CSV file download for INR and Sample CSV file download for SNAD. See the following table for definitions of the fields contained in the returned file.

    buyerIdstringThe eBay buyer name of the buyer associated with the transaction.
    caseFileDatestringThe timestamp indicating the case associated with the transaction is filed. All timestamps are based on the Coordinated Universal Time (UTC) clock. The format of this attribute varies based on the locale the client requests.
    caseIdstringThe unique identifier of the case associated with the transaction. If the client request CustomerServiceMetricTypeEnum is ITEM_NOT_RECEIVED, it will be Item Not Received caseId. If client request for CustomerServiceMetricTypeEnum is ITEM_NOT_AS_DESCRIBED, it will be Item Not As Described caseId.
    deliveredDatestringThe timestamp indicating when the item associated with the transaction is delivered. All timestamps are based on the Coordinated Universal Time (UTC) clock. The format of this attribute varies based on the locale the client requests.
    estimatedDeliveryDatestringThe timestamp indicating when the item associated with the transaction is estimated to deliver. All timestamps are based on the Coordinated Universal Time (UTC) clock. The format of this attribute varies based on the locale the client requests.
    handleByDatestringThe timestamp indicating when the item associated with the transaction is handled by seller. All timestamps are based on the Coordinated Universal Time (UTC) clock. The format of this attribute varies based on the locale the client requests.
    includedInRateCalculationstringThe localized text indicating whether the transaction is included in customer service metrics evaluation.
    itemCategorystringThe localized text of the category of the item associated with the transaction.
    itemConditionstringThe localized text describing the condition of the item associated with the transaction. This attribute is only applicable if the client request CustomerServiceMetricTypeEnum is ITEM_NOT_AS_DESCRIBED.
    itemNumberstringThe unique identifier of the item associated with the transaction.
    itemPriceAmountstringThe price value of the item associated with the transaction.
    itemPriceCurrencystringThe currency used for the price of the item associated with the transaction reflecting the CurrencyCodeEnum.
    itemTitlestringThe seller created title of the item associated with the transaction.
    listingSitestringThe listing site domain associated with the item in the transaction.
    returnReasonCodestringThe localized text describing the return reason of the item associated with the transaction. This attribute is only applicable if the client request CustomerServiceMetricTypeEnum is ITEM_NOT_AS_DESCRIBED.
    returnShippingPaidBystringThe localized text describing the party that paid the return shipping for the item associated with the transaction. This attribute is only applicable if the client request CustomerServiceMetricTypeEnum is ITEM_NOT_AS_DESCRIBED.
    shippingCategorystringThe localized text of the shipping region associated with the transaction. This attribute is only applicable if the client request CustomerServiceMetricTypeEnum is ITEM_NOT_RECEIVED.
    statedHandlingTimestringThe unit in day indicating the time frame that seller handles the item associated with the transaction.
    trackingNumberstringThe unique identifier of tracking associated with the transaction.
    transactionDatestringThe end date and time of the transaction. All timestamps are based on the Coordinated Universal Time (UTC) clock. The format of this attribute varies based on the locale the client requests.
    transactionIdstringThe unique identifier of the transaction.

Searching the retrieved list of performance transactions

To search the returned list, apply a data range filter for the request creation date. Without the filter, all the requests in the default time range are retrieved. You need to have a created task to perform a search.

Retrieving a task or a group of tasks

You can use the getCustomerServiceMetricTask method to retrieve the details of a single task by specifying the task ID. You can use the getCustomerServiceMetricTasks method to retrieve the details of a group of tasks by specifying the feed_type. You can limit the tasks returned by using URI filters, such as date_range or look_back_days.

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